SVS MEGA-ASSEMBLER Version 5.4 ------------------------------ by SVS of [FIRE] (c) 2000 A new version of the "Heaven of coders" is out! :)) Summary of modifications: a) A new powerful line-command is introduced. It's @D. It can be used to (re)view the value of any label or symbolic-name used during the last assemblying. You can ask for a group of labels, or for the whole symbol-table. The values are shown in HEX and DEC basis. If there is an actived off-set, then the calculated value is also shown together with the off-set' sign. If an "X-label" is shown, then other info are typed (status of macro flags, etc.) Wildcards are allowed inside the name of labels to be searched. b) Parametric datum passed to a macro call, now can be a (variable) part of an expression, then we have more flexibility and clearness. (i.e. LDA @2+5,Y; That is: second macro' parametric value plus 5) c) All help and error screens have been rewritten. The info files (ScriptPlus format) were revised (and corrected). d) Three bugs was detected :( and fixed :) e) Other lower fixing and fittings. OK it's all. My e-mail: Please report any comment. Thanx. S\_/S of [FIRE] Well. Please contact me at: for any suggestion, or bug signalling. 10Q! ---------------------- _!_ $C1A0 from SVS of [FIRE]