USER-NOTES FOR DATATRONIC VIC-FORTH AND C64-FORTH 20-Oct-2000 ---------------------------------------------------------------- These notes are intended as an aid for users of Datatronic VIC-FORTH and C64-FORTH who may lack the official manuals and/or system disks. Much of the information here was derived through investigation or experiment; thus errors may be present. Use with caution. REFERENCES ---------- A C64-FORTH command summary (in Swedish) is available from: The "Fig-Forth Installation Manual" is the primary reference for Fig-Forth. It may be obtained from: INTRODUCTION ------------ As VIC-FORTH and C64-FORTH are very similar, they shall be hereafter referred to as 'Datatronic forth' when the information applies equally to both. Both VIC-FORTH and C64-FORTH are supplied in cartridge form: VIC-FORTH size = 8K, load address = $A000 C64-FORTH size = 12K, load address = $8000 The forth dialect used is Fig-Forth. In addition to the usual Fig-Forth words, a number of Commodore specific words are included which allows such things as disk communication, input/output redirection and cassette load and save. Here are the main differences between the VIC and C64 versions: C64-FORTH: Screens = 40 column x 25 lines C/L = 40 B/SCR = 1 B/BUF = 1024 VIC-FORTH: Screens = 64 column x 16 lines C/L = 64 B/SCR = 4 B/BUF = 256 In C64-FORTH, the screen editor and 6502 assembler are built-in; in VIC-FORTH they were (presumably) loaded in from a system disk. If you are a VIC-FORTH user and do not have the system disk, source definitions and disk files for a compatible editor and 6502 assembler are provided. USING DATATRONIC FORTH ---------------------- As with most forth systems, a disk drive is virtually a necessity. CLOAD and CSAVE provide some cassette support but there is no way to save or load forth source screens to cassette. IMPORTANT! - ONLY USE BLANK FORMATTED DISKS WITH DATATRONIC FORTH DATATRONIC FORTH USES A DIRECT DISK ACCESS METHOD WHICH COMPLETELY BYPASSES COMMODORE'S FILE SYSTEM. REGULAR COMMODORE FILES AND DATATRONIC FORTH FILES CANNOT CO-EXIST ON THE SAME DISK. To start a disk session, insert a blank formatted disk and type EMPTY-BUFFERS DISC If there is no error reported, you can then LIST or LOAD any existing forth screens on the disk. Alternatively, if you have the system disk inserted, you could enter BOOT-UP This initialises the forth disk system and loads BLOCK 1. This is also a handy way to automatically startup any applications that you may create. GLOSSARY OF NON FIG-FORTH WORDS ------------------------------- (DERROR) --- The disk error routine used by R/W. This word normally executes DERROR. -BCD n1 --- n2 Convert the binary number n1 to a packed BCD number n2. n1 must be in the range from 0 to 99. Pronounced "dash-b-c-d". -DISC adr sec trk drv f1 -- f2 Disk read/write primitive used by R/W. Write occurs when f1=0, read when f1=1. -MOVE adr n --- EDITOR Move a line of text at address adr to line n of the current screen. Pronounced "dash-move". ?DISC --- Read the disk error channel storing the message at address $8C0 (C64-FORTH) or $1295 (VIC-FORTH) and the length byte at $8BF (C64-FORTH) or $1294 (VIC-FORTH). See COUNT and TYPE. Pronounced "question-disc". 1-! adr --- Subtract 1 from the contents of the specified address. Pronounced "one-minus-store". 1+! adr --- Add 1 to the contents of the specified address. Pronounced "one-plus-store". 2DROP, 2DUP, 2OVER, 2ROT, 2SWAP, 2VARIABLE, 2CONSTANT Double number equivalents of the single number operators. Pronounced "two-drop", "two-dup", "two-over", "two-rote", "two-swap", "two-variable" and "two-constant". ASSEMBLER --- Set the CONTEXT vocabulary to ASSEMBLER. ASSEMBLER is IMMEDIATE so it executes even when compiling. B --- EDITOR Select the previous screen. See N and L. Pronounced "back". B. n --- Print the number n in binary form. Pronounced "b-dot". BACKUP --- EDITOR Copy disk in drive 0 to drive 1 after performing FLUSH. For use with 2-drive disks only. BOOT-UP --- Empties the buffers, initialises the disk system and loads screen 1. CLEAR n --- EDITOR Fill screen n with blanks and select it for editing. See ZERO. CLOAD --- f Load the saved wordlist from cassette. Returns an error flag f (0=none, 24=error). See CSAVE. CLOSE n --- Close logical file n. COPY n1 n2 --- EDITOR Copy screen n1 to screen n2. CSAVE --- f Save the wordlist and USER-variables to cassette. The wordlist may be given a name (see NAME). Returns an error flag (0=none, 24=error). See CLOAD. D n --- EDITOR Delete line n of the current screen. All lines underneath move up and line 15 fills with blanks. Pronounced "delete". DERROR --- Normally executed by (DERROR). A disk error message is displayed and QUIT is executed. WARNING is set to 0. Pronounced "d-error". DISC --- Start the disk system. Initialises the disk and opens logical file 15 for commands and file 13 for data. E n --- EDITOR Fill line n of the current screen with blanks. Pronounced "erase". EDITOR --- Set the CONTEXT vocabulary to EDITOR. EDITOR is made IMMEDIATE so it executes even when compiling. FREE n1 n2 --- EDITOR Display the number of all free screens in the ranges n1 to n2. A screen is considered free if the first cell contains a binary 0. See CLEAR and ZERO. H. n --- Print the number n in hexadecimal form. Pronounced "h-dot". HPIN n --- f Send the current input stream to logical file number n. Returns and error flag f (0=none, 24=error). See OPEN. Pronounced "h-p-in". HPOFF --- Restore the current input and output stream to the keyboard and screen respectively. Pronounced "h-p-off". HPOUT n --- f Send the current output stream to logical file number n. Returns an error flag f (0=none, 24=error). See OPEN. Pronounced "h-p-out". H n --- EDITOR Hold line n of the current screen at PAD. I' --- n Used in DO - LOOP construct. Leave the loop limit on the stack. See I, J, K. J --- n Used in a nested DO - LOOP structure. Leave the loop index of the second outer loop on the stack. See I I' K. K --- n Used in a nested DO - LOOP structure. Leave the loop index of the third outer loop on the stack. See I I' J. L --- EDITOR List the current screen. LINE n --- adr EDITOR Leave the address in memory of line n of the current screen. N --- EDITOR Select the next screen. See N and L. NAME adr n --- Set the filename for file operations. Must be used before OPEN or CSAVE. OPEN n1 n2 n3 --- f Open the logical file number n1 on device n2 with secondary address n3. Filename must have been set with NAME. Returns an error flag f (0=none, 24=error). P n --- EDITOR Used in the form n P xxxx . . . . . xxxxx Place text xxxx into line n of the current screen. A copy of the text is placed in PAD. See L. Pronounced "put". PAPER --- EDITOR Redirect the output stream to the printer device. See VIDEO. PROGRAM --- EDITOR Copy screens 0 - 60 from drive 0 to drive 1. For 2-drive disks only. R n --- EDITOR Replace line n of the current screen with the text at PAD. Pronounced "replace". S n --- EDITOR Insert a blank line at line n of the current screen. Line n and all lines underneath are moved down. Pronounced "spread". SCREENS from to count --- EDITOR Copy a range of screens. No check is made for overlap. SHOW n1 n2 --- Display screens from n1 to n2 as TRIAD pages. T* ud u --- u-triple Multiply 32-bit number ud with 16-bit number u. Leave a 48-bit number result. T/ u-triple u --- ud Divide 48-bit number with a 16-bit number. Leave the 32-bit result. TEXT c --- Read a string from the input stream delimited by character c. PAD is set to blanks and the string moved to PAD. VIDEO --- EDITOR Redirect input and output stream to the screen and keyboard. Closes the printer file. See PAPER. ZERO n --- EDITOR Fill screen n with "null" character and select it for editing. See CLEAR and FREE. FIG-FORTH GLOSSARY ------------------ (The following is taken from the Fig-Forth Installation Manual.) This glossary contains all of the word definitions in Release 1 of fig-FORTH. The definitions are present in order of their ascii sort. The first line of each entry shows a symbolic description of the action of the procedure on the parameter stack. The symbols indicate the order in which input parameters have been placed on the stack. The three dashes "---" indicate the execution point; any parameters left on the stack are listed. In this notation, the top of the stack is to the right. The symbols include: addr memory address b 8 bit byte (ie. hi 8 bits zero) c 7 bit ascii character (hi 9 bits zero) d 32 bit signed double integer, most significant portion with sign on top of stack. f boolean flag. 0=false, non-zero=true ff boolean false flag=0 n 16 bit signed integer number u 16 bit unsigned integer tf boolean true flag=non zero Unless otherwise noted, all references to numbers are for 16 bit signed integers. On 8 bit data bus computers, the high byte of a number is on top of the stack, with the sign in the leftmost bit. For 32 bit signed double numbers, the most significant (with the sign) is on top. All arithmetic is implicitly 16 bit signed integer math, with error and under-flow indication unspecified. ! n addr --- Store 16 bits of n at address. Pronounced "store". !CSP Save the stack position in CSP. Used as part of the compiler security. # d1 --- d2 Generate from a double number d1, the next ascii character which is placed in an output string. Result d2 is the quotient after division by BASE, and is maintained for further processing. Used between <# and #>. See #S. #> d --- addr count Terminates numeric output conversion by dropping d, leaving the text address and character count suitable for TYPE. #S d1 --- d2 Generates ascii text in the text output buffer, by the use of #, until a zero double number n2 results. Used between <# and #>. ' --- addr Used in the form: ' nnnn Leaves the parameter field address of dictionary word nnnn. As a compiler directive, executes in a colon definition to compile the address as a literal. If the word is not found after a search of CONTEXT and CURRENT, an appropriate error message is given. Pronounced "tick". ( Used in the form: ( cccc) Ignore a comment that will be delimited by a right parenthesis on the same line. May occur during execution or in a colon-definition. A blank after the leading parenthesis is required. (.") The run-time procedure, compiled by ." which transmits the following in-line text to the selected output device. See ." (;CODE) The run-time procedure, compiled by ;CODE, that rewrites the code field of the most recently defined word to point to the following machine code sequence. See ;CODE. (+LOOP) n --- The run-time procedure compiled by +LOOP, which increments the loop index by n and tests for loop completion. See +LOOP. (ABORT) Executes after an error when WARNING is -1. This word normally executes ABORT, but may be altered (with care) to a user's alternative procedure. (DO) The run-time procedure compiled by DO which moves the loop control parameters to the return stack. See DO. (FIND) addr1 addr2 --- pfa b tf (ok) addr1 addr2 --- ff (bad) Searches the dictionary starting at the name field address addr2, matching to the text at addr1. Returns parameter field address, length byte of name field and boolean true for a good match. If no match is found, only a boolean false is left. (LINE) n1 n2 --- addr count Convert the line number n1 and the screen n2 to the disc buffer address containing the data. A count of 64 indicates the full line text length. (LOOP) The run-time procedure compiled by LOOP which increments the loop index and tests for loop completion. See LOOP. (NUMBER) d1 addr1 --- d2 addr2 Convert the ascii text beginning at addr1+1 with regard to BASE. The new value is accumulated into double number d1, being left as d2. Addr2 is the address of the first unconvertable digit. Used by NUMBER. * n1 n2 --- prod Leave the signed product of two signed numbers. */ n1 n2 n3 --- n4 Leave the ratio n4 = n1*n2/n3 where all are signed numbers. Retention of an intermediate 31 bit product permits greater accuracy than would be available with the sequence: n1 n2 * n3 / */MOD n1 n2 n3 --- n4 n5 Leave the quotient n5 and remainder n4 of the operation n1*n2/n3. A 31 bit intermediate product is used as for */. + n1 n2 --- sum Leave the sum of n1+n2. +! n addr --- Add n to the value at the address. Pronounced "plus-store". +- n1 n2 --- n3 Apply the sign of n2 to n1, which is left as n3. +BUF addr1 --- addr2 f Advance the disc buffer address addr1 to the address of the next buffer addr2. Boolean f is false when addr2 is the buffer presently pointed to by variable PREV. +LOOP n1 --- (run) addr n2 --- (compile) Used in a colon-definition in the form: DO ... n1 +LOOP At run-time, +LOOP selectively controls branching back to the corresponding DO based on n1, the loop index and the loop limit. The signed increment n1 is added to the index and the total compared to the limit. The branch back to DO occurs until the new index is equal to or greater than the limit (n1>0), or until the new index is equal to or less than the limit (n1<0). Upon exiting the loop, the parameters are discarded and execution continues ahead. At compile time, +LOOP compiles the run-time word (+LOOP) and the branch offset computed from HERE to the address left on the stack by DO. n2 is used for compile-time error checking. +ORIGIN n --- addr Leave the memory address relative by n to the origin parameter area. n is the minimum address unit, either byte or word. This definition is used to access or modify the boot-up parameters at the origin area. , n --- Store n into the next available dictionary memory cell, advancing the dictionary pointer. (comma) - n1 n2 --- diff Leave the difference of n1-n2. --> Continue interpretation with the next disc screen. (pronounced next-screen). -DUP n1 --- n1 (if zero) n1 --- n1 n1 (non-zero) Reproduce n1 only if it is non-zero. This is usually used to copy a value just before IF, to eliminate the need for an ELSE part to drop it. -FIND --- pfa b tf (found) --- ff (not found) Accepts the next text word (delimited by blanks) in the input stream to HERE, and searches the CONTEXT and then CURRENT vocabularies for a matching entry. If found, the dictionary entry's parameter field address, its length byte, and a boolean true is left. Otherwise, only a boolean false is left. -TRAILING addr n1 --- addr n2 Adjusts the character count n1 of a text string beginning address to suppress the output of trailing blanks. ie. the characters at addr+n2 are blanks. . n --- Print a number from a signed 16 bit two's complement value, converted according to the numeric BASE. A trailing blank follows. Pronounced "dot". ." Used in the form: ." cccc" Compiles an in-line string cccc (delimited by the trailing ") with an execution procedure to transmit the text to the selected output device. If executed outside a definition, ." will immediately print the text until the final ". The maximum number of characters may be an installation dependent value. See (."). .LINE line scr --- Print on the terminal device, a line of text from the disc by its line and screen number. Trailing blanks are suppressed. .R n1 n2 --- Print the number n1 right aligned in a field of whose width is n2. No following blank is printed. / n1 n2 --- quot Leave the signed quotient of n1/n2. /MOD n1 n2 --- rem quot Leave the remainder and signed quotient of n1/n2. The remainder has the sign of the dividend. 0 1 2 3 --- n These small numbers are used so often that it is attractive to define them by name in the dictionary as constants. 0< n --- f Leave a true flag if the number is less than zero (negative), otherwise leave a false flag. 0= n --- f Leave a true flag if the number is equal to zero, otherwise leave a false flag. 0BRANCH f --- The run-time procedure to conditionally branch. If f is false (zero), the following in-line parameter is added to the interpretive pointer to branch ahead or back. Compiled by IF, UNTIL, and WHILE. 1+ n1 --- n2 Increment n1 by 1. 2+ n1 --- n2 Leave n1 incremented by 2. : Used in the form called a colon-definition: : cccc ... ; Creates a dictionary entry defining cccc as equivalent to the following sequence of Forth word definitions '...' until the next ';' or ';CODE'. The compiling process is done by the text interpreter as long as STATE is non-zero. Other details are that the CONTEXT vocabulary is set to the CURRENT vocabulary and that words with the precedence bit set are executed rather than being compiled. ; Terminate a colon-definition and stop further compilation. Compiles the run-time ;S. ;CODE Used in the form: : cccc ... ;CODE assembly mnemonics Stop compilation and terminate a new defining word cccc by compiling (;CODE). Set the CONTEXT vocabulary to ASSEMBLER, assembling to machine code the following mnemonics. When cccc later executes in the form: cccc nnnn the word nnnn will be created with its execution procedure given by the machine code following cccc. That is, when nnnn is executed, it does so by jumping to the code after nnnn. An existing defining word must exist in cccc prior to ;CODE. ;S Stop interpretation of a screen. ;S is also the run-time word compiled at the end of a colon-definition which returns execution to the calling procedure. < n1 n2 --- f Leave a true flag if n1 is less than n2; otherwise leave a false flag. <# Setup for pictured numeric output formatting using the words: <# # #S SIGN #> The conversion is done on a double number producing text at PAD. ... ; Each time cccc is executed, part for nnnn. When nnnn is later executed, it has the address of its parameter area on the stack and executes the words after DOES> in cccc. allow run-time procedures to be written in high- level rather than in assembler code (as required by ;CODE ). = n1 n2 --- f Leave a true flag if n1=n2; otherwise leave a false flag. > n1 n2 --- f Leave a true flag if n1 is greater than n2; otherwise a false flag. >R n --- Remove a number from the computation stack and place as the most accessable on the return stack. Use should be balanced with R> in the same definition. ? addr --- Print the value contained at the address in free format according to the current base. ?COMP Issue error message if not compiling. ?CSP Issue error message if stack position differs from value saved in CSP. ?ERROR f n --- Issue an error message number n, if the boolean flag is true. ?EXEC Issue an error message if not executing. ?LOADING Issue an error message if not loading. ?PAIRS n1 n2 --- Issue an error message if n1 does not equal n2. The message indicates that compiled conditionals do not match. ?STACK Issue an error message if the stack is out of bounds. This definition may be installation dependent. ?TERMINAL --- f Perform a test of the terminal keyboard for actuation of the break key. A true flag indicates actuation. This definition is installation dependent. @ addr --- n Leave the 16 bit contents of address. ABORT Clear the stacks and enter the execution state. Return control to the operators terminal, printing a message appropriate to the installation. ABS n --- u Leave the absolute value of n as u. AGAIN addr n --- (compiling) Used in a colon-definition in the form: BEGIN ... AGAIN At run-time, AGAIN forces execution to return to corresponding BEGIN. There is no effect on the stack. Execution cannot leave this loop (unless R> DROP is executed one level below). At compile time, AGAIN compiles BRANCH with an offset from HERE to addr. n is used for compile-time error checking. ALLOT n --- Add the signed number to the dictionary pointer DP. May be used to reserve dictionary space or re-origin memory. n is with regard to computer address type (byte or word). AND n1 n2 --- n3 Leave the bitwise logical and of n1 and n2 as n3. B/BUF --- n This constant leaves the number of bytes per disc buffer, the byte count read from disc by BLOCK. B/SCR --- n This constant leaves the number of blocks per editing screen. By convention, an editing screen is 1024 bytes organised as 16 lines of 64 characters each. BACK addr --- Calculate the backward branch offset from HERE to addr and compile into the next available dictionary memory address. BASE --- addr A user variable containing the current number base used for input and output conversion. BEGIN --- addr n (compiling) Occurs in a colon-definition in form: BEGIN ... UNTIL BEGIN ... AGAIN BEGIN ... WHILE ... REPEAT At run-time, BEGIN marks the start of a sequence that may be repetitively executed. It serves as a return point from the corresponding UNTIL, AGAIN or REPEAT. When executing UNTIL, a return to BEGIN will occur if the top of the stack is false; for AGAIN and REPEAT a return to BEGIN always occurs. At compile time BEGIN leaves its return address and n for compiler error checking. BL --- c A constant that leaves the ascii value for "blank". BLANKS addr count --- Fill an area of memory begining at addr with blanks. BLK --- addr A user variable containing the block number being interpreted. If zero, input is being taken from the terminal input buffer. BLOCK n --- addr Leave the memory address of the block buffer containing block n. If the block is not already in memory, it is transferred from disc to which ever buffer was least recently written. If the block occupying that buffer has been marked as being updated, it is re-written to disc before block n is read into the buffer. See also BUFFER, R/W UPDATE FLUSH BLOCK-READ BLOCK-WRITE These are preferred names for the installation dependent code to read and write one block to the disc. BRANCH The run-time procedure to unconditionally branch. An inline offset is added to the interpretive pointer IP to branch ahead or back. BRANCH is compiled by ELSE, AGAIN, REPEAT. BUFFER n --- addr Obtain the next memory buffer, assigning it to block n. If the contents of the buffer is marked as updated, it is written to the disc. The block is not read from the disc. The address left is the first cell within the buffer for data storage. C! b addr --- Store 8 bits at address. On word addressing computers, further specification is necessary regarding byte addressing. C, b --- Store 8 bits of b into the next available dictionary byte, advancing the dictionary pointer. This is only available on byte addressing computers, and should be used with caution on byte addressing minicomputers. C@ addr --- b Leave the 8 bit contents of memory address. On word addressing computers, further specification is needed regarding byte addressing. CFA pfa --- cfa Convert the parameter field address of a definition to its code field address. CMOVE from to count --- Move the specified quantity of bytes beginning at address from to address to. The contents of address from is moved first proceeding toward high memory. Further specification is necessary on word addressing computers. COLD The cold start procedure to adjust the dictionary pointer to the minimum standard and restart via ABORT. May be called from the terminal to remove application programs and restart. COMPILE When the word containing COMPILE executes, the execution address of the word following COMPILE is copied (compiled) into the dictionary. This allows specific compilation situations to be handled in addition to simply compiling an execution address (which the interpreter already does). CONSTANT n --- A defining word used in the form: n CONSTANT cccc to create word cccc, with its parameter field containing n. When cccc is later executed, it will push the value of n to the stack. CONTEXT --- addr A user variable containing a pointer to the vocabulary within which dictionary searches will first begin. COUNT addr1 --- addr2 n Leave the byte address addr2 and byte count n of a message text beginning at addr1. It is presumed that the first byte at addr1 contains the text byte count and the actual text starts with the second byte. Typically COUNT is followed by TYPE. CR Transmit a carriage return and line feed to the selected output device. CREATE A defining word used in the form: CREATE cccc by such words as CODE and CONSTANT to create a dictionary header for a Forth definition. The code field contains the address of the word's parameter field. The new word is created in the CURRENT vocabulary. CSP --- addr A user variable temporarily storing the stack pointer position, for compilation error checking. D+ d1 d2 --- dsum Leave the double number sum of two double numbers. D+- d1 n --- d2 Apply the sign of n to the double number d1, leaving it as d2. D. d --- Print a signed double number from a 32 bit two's complement value. The high-order 16 bits are most accessable on the stack. Conversion is performed according to the current BASE. A blank follows. Pronounced D-dot. D.R d n --- Print a signed double number d right aligned in a field n characters wide. DABS d --- ud Leave the absolute value ud of a double number. DECIMAL Set the numeric conversion BASE for decimal input-output. DEFINITIONS Used in the form: cccc DEFINITIONS Set the CURRENT vocabulary to the CONTEXT vocabulary. In the example, executing vocabulary name cccc made it the CONTEXT vocabulary and executing DEFINITIONS made both specify vocabulary cccc. DIGIT c n1 --- n2 tf (ok) c n1 --- ff (bad) Converts the ascii character c (using base n1) to its binary equivalent n2, accompanied by a true flag. If the conversion is invalid, leaves only a false flag. DLIST List the names of the dictionary entries in the CONTEXT vocabulary. DLITERAL d --- d (executing) d --- (compiling) Immediate If compiling, compile a stack double number into a literal. Later execution of the definition containing the literal will push it to the stack. If executing, the number will remain on the stack. DMINUS d1 --- d2 Convert d1 to its double number two's complement. DO n1 n2 --- (execute) addr n --- (compile) Occurs in a colon-definition in the form: DO ... LOOP DO ... +LOOP At run-time, DO begins a sequence with repetitive execution controlled by a loop limit n1 and an index with initial value n2. DO removes these from the stack. Upon reaching LOOP the index is incremented by one. Until the new index equals or exceeds the limit, execution loops back to just after DO; otherwise the loop parameters are discarded and execution continues ahead. Both n1 and n2 are determined at run-time and may be the result of other operations. Within a loop 'I' will copy the current value of the index to the stack. See I, LOOP, +LOOP, LEAVE. When compiling within the colon-definition, DO compiles (DO), leaves the following address addr and n for later error checking. DOES> A word which defines the run-time action within a high- level defining word. DOES> alters the code field and first parameter of the new word to execute the sequence of compiled word addresses following DOES>. Used in combination with part executes it begins with the address of the first parameter of the new word on the stack. This allows interpretation using this area or its contents. Typical uses include the Forth assembler, multi-dimensional arrays, and compiler generation. DP --- addr A user variable, the dictionary pointer, which contains the address of the next free memory above the dictionary. The value may be read by HERE and altered by ALLOT. DPL --- addr A user variable containing the number of digits to the right of the decimal on double integer input. It may also be used to hold output column location of a decimal point, in user generated formatting. The default value on single number input is -1. DR0 Installation dependent commands to select disc drives, by DR1 presetting OFFSET. The contents of OFFSET is added to the block number in BLOCK to allow for this selection. Offset is suppressed for error text so that it may always originate from drive 0. DROP n --- Drop the number from the stack. DUMP addr n --- Print the contents of n memory locations beginning at addr. Both addresses and contents are shown in the current numeric base. DUP n --- n n Duplicate the value on the stack. ELSE addr1 n1 --- addr2 n2 (compiling) Immediate,C2 Occurs within a colon-definition in the form: IF ... ELSE ... ENDIF At run-time, ELSE executes after the true part following IF. ELSE forces execution to skip over the following false part and resumes execution after the ENDIF. It has no stack effect. At compile-time ELSE emplaces BRANCH reserving a branch offset, leaves the address addr2 and n2 for error testing. ELSE also resolves the pending forward branch from IF by calculating the offset from addr1 to HERE and storing at addr1. EMIT c --- Transmit ascii character c to the selected output device. OUT is incremented for each character output. EMPTY-BUFFERS Mark all block-buffers as empty, not necessarily affecting the contents. Updated blocks are not written to the disc. This is also an initialisation procedure before first use of the disc. ENCLOSE addr1 c --- addr1 n1 n2 n3 The text scanning primitive used by WORD. From the text address addr1 and an ascii delimiting character c, is determined the byte offset to the first non-delimiting character n1, the offset to the first delimiter after the text n2, and the offset to the first character not included. This procedure will not process past an ascii 'null', treating it as an unconditional delimiter. END This is an 'alias' or duplicate definition for UNTIL. ENDIF addr1 n --- (compile) Occurs in a colon-definition in the form: IF ... ENDIF IF ... ELSE ... ENDIF At run-time, ENDIF serves only as the destination of a forward branch from IF or ELSE. It marks the conclusion of the conditional structure. THEN is another name for ENDIF. Both names are supported in fig-FORTH. See also IF and ELSE. At compile-time, ENDIF computes the forward branch offset from addr to HERE and stores it at addr. n is used for error tests. ERASE addr n --- Clear a region of memory to zero from addr over n addresses. ERROR line --- in blk Execute error notification and restart of system. WARNING is first examined. If 1, the text of line n, relative to screen 4 of drive 0 is printed. This line number may be positive or negative, and beyond just screen 4. If WARNING=0, n is just printed as a message number (non-disc installation). If WARNING is -1, the definition (ABORT) is executed, which executes the system ABORT. The user may cautiously modify this execution by altering (ABORT). fig-FORTH saves the contents of IN and BLK to assist in determining the location of the error. Final action is execution of QUIT. EXECUTE addr --- Execute the definition whose code field address is on the stack. The code field address is also called the compilation address. EXPECT addr count --- Transfer characters from the terminal to address, until a "return" or the count of characters have been received. One or more nulls are added at the end of the text. FENCE --- addr A user variable containing an address below which FORGETting is trapped. To forget below this point the user must alter the contents of FENCE. FILL addr quan b --- Fill memory at the address with the specified quantity of bytes b. FIRST --- n A constant that leaves the address of the first (lowest) block buffer. FLD --- addr A user variable for control of number output field width. Presently unused in fig-FORTH. FORGET Executed in the form: FORGET cccc Deletes definition named cccc from the dictionary with all entries physically following it. In fig-FORTH, an error message will occur if the CURRENT and CONTEXT vocabularies are not currently the same. FORTH The name of the primary vocabulary. Execution makes FORTH the CONTEXT vocabulary. Until additional user vocabularies are defined, new user definitions become a part of FORTH. FORTH is immediate, so it will execute during the creation of a colon-definition, to select this vocabulary at compile-time. HERE --- addr Leave the address of the next available dictionary location. HEX Set the numeric conversion base to sixteen (hexadecimal). HLD --- addr A user variable that holds the address of the latest character of text during numeric output conversion. HOLD c --- Used between <# and #> to insert an ascii character into a pictured numeric output string. e.g. 2E HOLD will place a decimal point. I --- n Used within a DO-LOOP to copy the loop index to the stack. Other use is implementation dependent. See R. ID. addr --- Print a definition's name from its name field address. IF f --- (run-time) --- addr n (compile) Occurs in a colon definition in the form: IF (tp) ... ENDIF IF (tp) ... ELSE (fp) ... ENDIF At run-time, IF selects execution based on a boolean flag. If f is true (non-zero), execution continues ahead thru the true part. If f is false (zero), execution skips till just after ELSE to execute the false part. After either part, execution resumes after ENDIF. ELSE and its false part are optional; if missing, false execution skips to just after ENDIF. At compile-time IF compiles 0BRANCH and reserves space for an offset at addr. addr and n are used later for resolution of the offset and error testing. IMMEDIATE Mark the most recently made definition so that when encountered at compile time, it will be executed rather than being compiled. i.e. the precedence bit in its header is set. This method allows definitions to handle unusual compiling situations, rather than build them into the fundamental compiler. The user may force compilation of an immediate definition by preceding it with [COMPILE]. IN --- addr A user variable containing the byte offset within the current input text buffer (terminal or disc) from which the next text will be accepted. WORD uses and moves the value of IN. INDEX from to --- Print the first line of each screen over the range from, to. This is used to view the comment lines of an area of text on disc screens. INTERPRET The outer text interpreter which sequentially executes or compiles text from the input stream (terminal or disc) depending on STATE. If the word name cannot be found after a search of CONTEXT and then CURRENT it is converted to a number according to the current base. That also failing, an error message echoing the name with a " ?" will be given. Text input will be taken according to the convention for WORD. If a decimal point is found as part of a number, a double number value will be left. The decimal point has no other purpose than to force this action. See NUMBER. KEY --- c Leave the ascii value of the next terminal key struck. LATEST --- addr Leave the name field address of the topmost word in the CURRENT vocabulary. LEAVE Force termination of a DO-LOOP at the next opportunity by setting the loop limit to the current value of the index. The index itself remains unchanged, and execution proceeds normally until LOOP or +LOOP is encountered. LFA pfa --- lfa Convert the parameter field address of a dictionary definition to its link field address. LIMIT --- n A constant leaving the address just above the highest memory available for a disc buffer. Usually this is the highest system memory. LIST n --- Display the ascii text of screen n on the selected output device. SCR contains the screen number during and after this process. LIT --- n Within a colon-definition, LIT is automatically compiled before each 16 bit literal number encountered in input text. Later execution of LIT causes the contents of the next dictionary address to be pushed to the stack. LITERAL n --- (compiling) If compiling, then compile the stack value n as a 16 bit literal. This definition is immediate so that it will execute during a colon definition. The intended use is: : xxx [ calculate ] LITERAL ; Compilation is suspended for the compile time calculation of a value. Compilation is resumed and LITERAL compiles this value. LOAD n --- Begin interpretation of screen n. Loading will terminate at the end of the screen or at ;S. See ;S and -->. LOOP addr n --- (compiling) Occurs in a colon-definition in the form: DO ... LOOP At run-time, LOOP selectively controls branching back to the corresponding DO based on the loop index and limit. The loop index is incremented by one and compared to the limit. The branch back to DO occurs until the index equals or exceeds the limit; at that time, the parameters are discarded and execution continues ahead. At compile-time, LOOP compiles (LOOP) and uses addr to calculate an offset to DO. n is used for error testing. M* n1 n2 --- d A mixed magnitude math operation which leaves the double number signed product of two signed numbers. M/ d n1 --- n2 n3 A mixed magnitude math operator which leaves the signed remainder n2 and signed quotient n3, from a double number dividend and divisor n1. The remainder takes its sign from the dividend. M/MOD ud1 u2 --- u3 u4 An unsigned mixed magnitude math operation which leaves a double quotient ud4 and remainder u3, from a double dividend ud1 and single divisor u2. MAX n1 n2 --- max Leave the greater of two numbers. MESSAGE n --- Print on the selected output device the text of line n relative to screen 4 of drive 0. n may be positive or negative. MESSAGE may be used to print incidental text such as report headers. IF WARNING is zero, the message will simply be printed as a number (disc-unavailable). MIN n1 n2 --- min Leave the smaller of two numbers. MINUS n1 --- n2 Leave the two's complement of a number. MOD n1 n2 --- mod Leave the remainder of n1/n2, with the same sign as n1. MON Exit to the system monitor, leaving a re-entry to Forth, if possible. MOVE addr1 addr2 n --- Move the contents of n memory cells (16 bit contents) beginning at addr1 into n cells beginning at addr2. The contents of addr1 is moved first. This definition is appropriate on word addressing computers. NEXT This is the inner interpreter that uses the interpretive pointer IP to execute compiled Forth definitions. It is not directly executed but is the return point for all code procedures. It acts by fetching the address pointed by IP, storing this value in register W. It then jumps to the address pointed to by W. W points to the code field of a definition which contains the address of the code which executes for that definition. This usage of indirect threaded code is a major contributor to the power, portability, and extensibility of forth. Locations of IP and W are computer specific. NFA pfa --- nfa Convert the parameter field address of a definition to its name field. NUMBER addr --- d Convert a character string left at addr with a preceding count, to a signed double number, using the current base. If a decimal point is encountered in the text, its position will be given in DPL, but no other effect occurs. If numeric conversion is not possible, an error message will be given. OFFSET --- addr A user variable which may contain a block offset to disc drives. The contents of OFFSET is added to the stack number by BLOCK. Messages by MESSAGE are independent of OFFSET. See BLOCK, DR0, DR1, MESSAGE. OR n1 n2 --- or Leave the bit-wise logical or of two 16 bit values. OUT --- addr A user variable that contains a value incremented by EMIT. The user may alter and examine OUT to control display formatting. OVER n1 n2 --- n1 n2 n1 Copy the second stack value, placing it as the new top. PAD --- addr Leave the address of the text output buffer, which is a fixed offset above HERE. PFA nfa --- pfa Convert the name field address of a compiled definition to its parameter field address. POP The code sequence to remove a stack value and return to NEXT. POP is not directly executable, but is a forth re- entry point after machine code. PREV --- addr A variable containing the address of the disc buffer most recently referenced. The UPDATE command marks this buffer to be later written to disc. PUSH This code sequence pushes machine registers to the computation stack and returns to NEXT. It is not directly executable, but is a Forth re-entry point after machine code. PUT This code sequence stores machine register contents over the topmost computation stack value and returns to NEXT. It is not directly executable, but is a Forth re-entry point after machine code. QUERY Input 80 characters of text (or until a "return") from the operators terminal. Text is positioned at the address contained in TIB with IN set to zero. QUIT Clear the return stack, stop compilation, and return control to the operators terminal. No message is given. R --- n Copy the top of the return stack to the computation stack. R# --- addr A user variable which may contain the location of an editing cursor, or other file related function. R/W addr blk f --- The fig-FORTH standard disc read-write linkage. addr specifies the source or destination block buffer, blk is the sequential number of the referenced block; and f is a flag for f=0 write and f=1 for read. R/W determines the location on mass storage, performs the read-write and performs any error checking. R> --- n Remove the top value from the return stack and leave it on the computation stack. See >R and R. R0 --- addr A user variable containing the initial location of the return stack. Pronounced R-zero. See RP! REPEAT addr n --- (compiling) Used within a colon-definition in the form: BEGIN ... WHILE ... REPEAT At run-time, REPEAT forces an unconditional branch back to just after the corresponding BEGIN. At compile-time, REPEAT compiles BRANCH and the offset from HERE to addr. n is used for error testing. ROT n1 n2 n3 --- n2 n3 n1 Rotate the top three values on the stack, bringing the third to the top. RP! A computer dependent procedure to initialise the return stack pointer from user variable R0. S->D n --- d Sign extend a single number to form a double number. S0 --- addr A user variable that contains the initial value for the stack pointer. Pronounced S-zero. See SP! SCR --- addr A user variable containing the screen number most recently referenced by LIST. SIGN n d --- d Stores an ascii "-" sign just before a converted numeric output string in the text output buffer when n is negative. n is discarded, but double number d is maintained. Must be between <# and #>. SMUDGE Used during word definition to toggle the "smudge bit" in a definition's name field. This prevents an un-completed definition from being found during dictionary searches, until compiling is completed without error. SP! A computer dependent procedure to initialise the stack pointer from S0. SP@ --- addr A computer dependent procedure to return the address of the stack position to the top of the stack, as it was before SP@ was executed. (e.g. 1 2 SP@ @ . . . would type 2 2 1 ) SPACE Transmit an ascii blank to the output device. SPACES n --- Transmit n ascii blanks to the output device. STATE --- addr A user variable containing the compilation state. A non- zero value indicates compilation. The value itself may be implementation dependent. SWAP n1 n2 --- n2 n1 Exchange the top two values on the stack. TASK A no-operation word which can mark the boundary between applications. By forgetting TASK and re-compiling, an application can be discarded in its entirety. THEN An alias for ENDIF. TIB --- addr A user variable containing the address of the terminal input buffer. TOGGLE addr b --- Complement the contents of addr by the bit pattern b. TRAVERSE addr1 n --- addr2 Move across the name field of a fig-FORTH variable length name field. addr1 is the address of either the length byte or the last letter. If n=1, the motion is toward high memory; if n= -1, the motion is toward low memory. The addr2 resulting is address of the other end of the name. TRIAD scr --- Display on the selected output device the three screens which include that numbered scr, beginning with a screen evenly divisible by three. Output is suitable for source text records, and includes a reference line at the bottom taken from line 15 of screen 4. TYPE addr count --- Transmit count characters from addr to the selected output device. U* u1 u2 --- ud Leave the unsigned double number product of two unsigned numbers. U/ ud u1 --- u2 u3 Leave the unsigned remainder u2 and unsigned quotient u3 from the unsigned double dividend ud and unsigned divisor u1. UNTIL f --- (run-time) addr n --- (compile) Occurs within a colon-definition in the form: BEGIN ... UNTIL At run-time, UNTIL controls the conditional branch back to the corresponding BEGIN. If f is false, execution returns to just after begin; if true, execution continues ahead. At compile-time, UNTIL compiles (0BRANCH) and an offset from HERE to addr. n is used for error tests. UPDATE Marks the most recently referenced block (pointed to by PREV) as altered. The block will subsequently be transferred automatically to disc should its buffer be required for storage of a different block. USE --- addr A variable containing the address of the block buffer to use next, as the least recently written. USER n --- A defining word used in the form: n USER cccc which creates a user variable cccc. The parameter field of cccc contains n as a fixed offset relative to the user pointer register UP for this user variable. When cccc is later executed, it places the sum of its offset and the user area base address on the stack as the storage address of that particular variable. VARIABLE A defining word used in the form: n VARIABLE cccc When VARIABLE is executed, it creates the definition cccc with its parameter field initialised to n. When cccc is later executed, the address of its parameter field (containing n) is left on the stack, so that a fetch or store may access this location. VOC-LINK --- addr A user variable containing the address of a field in the definition of the most recently created vocabulary. All vocabulary names are linked by these fields to allow control for FORGETting through multiple vocabularies. VOCABULARY A defining word used in the form: VOCABULARY cccc to create a vocabulary definition cccc. Subsequent use of cccc will make it the CONTEXT vocabulary which is searched first by INTERPRET. The sequence "cccc DEFINITIONS" will also make cccc the CURRENT vocabulary into which new definitions are placed. In fig-FORTH, cccc will be so chained as to include all definitions of the vocabulary in which cccc is itself defined. All vocabularies ultimately chain to Forth. By convention, vocabulary names are to be declared IMMEDIATE. See VOC-LINK. VLIST List the names of the definitions in the context vocabulary. "Break" will terminate the listing. WARNING --- addr A user variable containing a value controlling messages. If = 1, disc is present and screen 4 of drive 0 is the base location for messages. If = 0, no disc is present and messages will be presented by number. If = -1, execute (ABORT) for a user specified procedure. See MESSAGE, ERROR. WHILE f --- (run-time) ad1 n1 --- ad1 n1 ad2 n2 Occurs in a colon-definition in the form: BEGIN ... WHILE (tp) ... REPEAT At run-time, WHILE selects conditional execution based on boolean flag f. If f is true (non-zero), WHILE continues execution of the true part through to REPEAT, which then branches back to BEGIN. If f is false (zero), execution skips to just after REPEAT, exiting the structure. At compile time, WHILE emplaces (0BRANCH) and leaves ad2 of the reserved offset. The stack values will be resolved by REPEAT. WIDTH --- addr In fig-FORTH, a user variable containing the maximum number of letters saved in the compilation of a definition's name. It must be 1 through 31, with a default value of 31. The name character count and its natural characters are saved, up to the value in width. The value may be changed at any time within the above limits. WORD c --- Read the next text characters from the input stream being interpreted, until a delimiter c is found, storing the packed character string beginning at the dictionary buffer HERE. WORD leaves the character count in the first byte, the characters, and ends with two or more blanks. Leading occurances of c are ignored. If BLK is zero, text is taken from the terminal input buffer, otherwise from the disc block stored in BLK. See BLK, IN. X This is a psuedonym for the "null" or dictionary entry for a name of one character of ascii null. It is the execution procedure to terminate interpretation of a line of text from the terminal or within a disc buffer, as both buffers always have a null at the end. XOR n1 n2 --- xor Leave the bitwise logical exclusive-or of two values. [ Used in a colon-definition in the form: : xxx [ words ] more ; Suspend compilation. The words after [ are executed, not compiled. This allows calculation or compilation exceptions before resuming compilation with ]. See LITERAL, ]. [COMPILE] Used in a colon-definition in the form: : xxx [COMPILE] FORTH ; [COMPILE] will force the compilation of an immediate definition, that would otherwise execute during compilation. The above example will select the FORTH vocabulary when xxx executes, rather than at compile time. ] Resume compilation, to the completion of a colon-definition. See [. SCREEN EDITOR ------------- Screen editors allow the entering and manipulation of source text. C64-FORTH actually has two built-in editors - a line editor and a full-screen editor. LINE EDITOR COMMANDS -------------------- EDITOR Enter the editor vocabulary n LIST List screen n and select it for editing n CLEAR Clear contents of screen n by filling it with blanks and select it for editing. L List current screen. N Select next screen (next). B Select previous screen (back). n P ccc Put text ccc into line n of current screen. n H Hold line n at PAD (used by system more often than by user). n D Delete line n but hold it in PAD. Bottom line becomes blank as lines n+1 to bottom line move up 1 line. n R Replace line n with the text in PAD. n I Insert the text from PAD at line n, moving the old line n and following lines down. Bottom line is lost. n E Erase line n with blanks. n S Spread at line n. n and subsequent lines are move down 1 line and line n becomes blank. Bottom line is lost. FULL-SCREEN EDITOR COMMANDS (C64-FORTH) --------------------------------------- n --- Enter the full-screen editor and edit screen n. --- Exit the full-screen editor saving any changes to disk. --- Exit the full-screen editor without saving changes. VIC-FORTH LINE EDITOR --------------------- Source code for a VIC-FORTH line editor that is fully compatible with the C64-FORTH editor is provided below. The definitions may be keyed in manually then saved to cassette with CSAVE. The definitions are based on a disassembly of the C64-FORTH line editor. Some changes were necessary for VIC-FORTH use. FORTH DEFINITIONS DECIMAL VOCABULARY EDITOR IMMEDIATE EDITOR DEFINITIONS : -MOVE LINE C/L CMOVE UPDATE ; : H LINE PAD 1+ C/L DUP PAD C! CMOVE ; : E LINE C/L BLANKS UPDATE ; : S DUP 1- 14 DO FORTH I LINE I 1+ -MOVE -1 +LOOP E ; : D DUP H 15 DUP ROT DO FORTH I 1+ LINE I -MOVE LOOP E ; : R PAD 1+ SWAP -MOVE ; : I DUP S R ; : P 94 TEXT R ; : L SCR @ LIST ; : B SCR 1-! ; : N SCR 1+! ; : CLEAR DUP SCR ! B/SCR * B/SCR 0 DO DUP BLOCK B/BUF BLANKS UPDATE 1+ LOOP DROP ; : ZERO DUP SCR ! B/SCR * B/SCR 0 DO DUP BLOCK B/BUF ERASE UPDATE 1+ LOOP DROP ; : COPY FLUSH B/SCR * OFFSET @ + SWAP B/SCR * B/SCR OVER + SWAP DO DUP FORTH I BLOCK 2- ! 1+ UPDATE LOOP DROP FLUSH ; : BACKUP FLUSH HPOUT ." DI=0" HPOFF DISC ; : SCREENS 0 DO OVER FORTH I + OVER FORTH I + COPY LOOP DROP DROP ; : PROGRAM 0 166 60 SCREENS ; : FREE B/SCR * 1+ SWAP B/SCR * DO FORTH I BLOCK @ 0= IF FORTH I B/SCR / . THEN B/SCR +LOOP ; : VIDEO CR HPOFF 4 CLOSE ; : PAPER VIDEO 0 0 NAME 4 DUP 0 OPEN DUP ?ERROR 4 HPOUT DUP ?ERROR ; FORTH DEFINITIONS : WHERE DUP SCR ! ." SCR # " DECIMAL . CR C/L /MOD LINE 2DUP SWAP TYPE 18 EMIT OVER + C/L ROT - TYPE CR [COMPILE] EDITOR SP! QUIT ; FORTH 6502 ASSEMBLER -------------------- Datatronic forth includes a 6502 forth assembler. This allows users to write words directly in machine-code allowing faster execution. The assembler in built into the C64-FORTH cartridge; VIC-FORTH users must first LOAD in the assembler before use. The assembler uses register names and conventions which largely follow that depicted in the Fig-Forth Installation Manual. Notation: Forth assembler uses 'reverse Polish' syntax e.g. conventional assembler Forth assembler ROL A .A ROL, LDY #1 1 # LDY, STA DATA,X DATA ,X STA, CMP DATA,Y DATA ,Y CMP, ADC (06,X) 06 X) ADC, STA (POINT),Y POINT )Y STA, JMP (VECTOR) VECTOR ) JMP, Addressing modes: Symbol Addressing mode Operand none implied none .A accumulator none # immediate 8 bits only ,X indexed X z-page or absolute ,Y indexed Y z-page or absolute X) indexed indirect X z-page only )Y indirect indexed Y z-page only ) indirect absolute only none memory z-page or absolute Opcode mnemonics: ADC, CLI, DEY, LDA, PHP, SBC, TAX, AND, CLV, EOR, LDX, PLA, SEC, TAY, ASL, CMP, INC, LDY, PLP, SED, TSX, BIT, CPX, INX, LSR, ROL, SEI, TXA, BRK, CPY, INY, NOP, ROR, STA, TXS, CLC, DEC, JMP, ORA, RTI, STX, TYA, CLD, DEX, JSR, PHA, RTS, STY, CPU condition flags: These must precede conditional structures (IF, ELSE, WHILE, UNTIL,) CS carry flag = 1 CC carry flag = 0 VS overflow flag = 1 VC overflow flag = 0 MI negative flag = 1 PL negative flag = 0 EQ zero flag = 1 NE zero flag = 0 NOT reverses a previous condition flag Conditional structures: Used in conjunction with the cpu condition flags IF, UNTIL, THEN, AGAIN, ELSE, WHILE, BEGIN, REPEAT, Forth registers, addresses, routines: IP address of the Interpretive Pointer in zero-page. W address of the code field pointer in zero-page. N address of an 8 byte scratch area in zero-page. BOT address of low byte of a 16-bit stack item with ,X address mode. X register locates computation stack in zero-page, relative to address $0000. XSAVE address of a temporary register for X in zero-page. UP address of the User Pointer in zero-page. SEC address the second stack item as for BOT. R address of low byte of return stack with ,X mode preset. PUT address of routine to replace the present computation stack high byte from accumulator, and put from the machine stack one byte which replaces the present low stack byte; continue on to NEXT. PUSH address of routine to repeat PUT but creating a new bottom item on the computation stack. PUSH0A address of routine to place the accumulator at the low stack byte, with the high byte zero. POP address of routine to remove one 16-bit item from computation stack. POPTWO address of routine to remove two 16-bit items from computation stack. BINARY address of routine to pop one item and PUT the accumulator (high) and ML stack (low) over what was second. SETUP address of a routine to move 16-bit items to zero-page. Item quantity is in accumulator. NEXT address of the inner-interpreter, to which all code routines must return. NEXT fetches indirectly referred to IP the next compiled FORTH word address. It then jumps indirectly to pointed machine code. Some examples: CODE marks the beginning of a code definition and END-CODE finishes it. (note: in Datatronic forth, CODE automatically changes the number base to HEX; when the definition is finished the previous base is restored). CODE NOOP NEXT JMP, END-CODE The above definition does nothing. Functionally, it is equivalent to : NOOP ; albeit much faster. In forth, all code definitions must end by jumping to the address NEXT (or to a routine that jumps to NEXT). CODE ONE 1 # LDA, PUSH0A JMP, END-CODE This simply pushes the number 1 onto the parameter stack. For a detailed description and use of a 6502 forth assembler, please refer to the following article by W. Ragsdale. ERROR MESSAGES (C64-FORTH) -------------------------- 1 - Empty stack 2 - Dictionary full 3 - Has incorrect addressing mode 4 - Isn't unique 5 - 6 - Disc Range? 7 - Full stack 8 - Disc error! 9 - Not 8-bit value or address 10 - 11 - 12 - Illegal value - reenter 13 - Too large - reenter 14 - 15 - Datatronic AB (c) 1982 etc. 16 - 17 - Compilation only, use in definition 18 - Execution only 19 - Conditionals not paired 20 - Definition not finished 21 - In protected dictionary 22 - Use only when loading 23 - Off current editing screen 24 - Transfer aborted 25 - Too many files 26 - File already open 27 - File not open 28 - File not found 29 - Device not present 30 - Not input file 31 - Not output file 32 - Missing file name 33 - Illegal device number Vic-Forth Compatible Editor And 6502 Assembler Source ----------------------------------------------------- VIC-FORTH does not have the screen editor or 6502 assembler commands built into the cartridge - these must be LOADed from the system disk. For those lacking the system disk, the following compatible editor and assembler is provided. To save users having to manually enter the definitions, two files are supplied - VEDASM.D64 (source code in C64 disk image format) and VEDASM.TAP (precompiled code in C64 TAPE format). To load them, use the forth commands BOOT-UP or CLOAD respectively. SCR # 0 0 ( VIC-FORTH COMPATIBLE EDITOR & ASSEMBLER ) 1 A SCREEN LINE EDITOR AND 6502 ASSEMBLER FOR 2 DATATRONIC VIC-FORTH. 3 4 BASED ON A DISASSEMBLY OF THE EDITOR/ASSEMBLER 5 BUILT INTO C64-FORTH. PORTIONS (C) DATATRONIC 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SCR # 1 0 ( VIC-FORTH LOAD SCREEN ) 1 FORTH DEFINITIONS DECIMAL 2 3 CR ." LOADING EDITOR " 8 LOAD 4 CR ." LOADING ASSEMBLER " 20 LOAD 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SCR # 4 0 1 EMPTY STACK 2 DICTIONARY FULL 3 HAS INCORRECT ADDRESSING MODE 4 ISN'T UNIQUE 5 6 DISC RANGE? 7 FULL STACK 8 DISC ERROR! 9 NOT 8 BIT VALUE OR ADDRESS 10 11 12 13 14 15 SCR # 5 0 1 COMPILATION ONLY, USE IN DEFINITION 2 EXECUTION ONLY 3 CONDITIONALS NOT PAIRED 4 DEFINITION NOT FINISHED 5 IN PROTECTED DICTIONARY 6 USE ONLY WHEN LOADING 7 OFF CURRENT EDITING SCREEN 8 TRANSFER ABORTED 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SCR # 8 0 ( VIC-FORTH LINE EDITOR ) 1 FORTH DEFINITIONS DECIMAL 2 3 VOCABULARY EDITOR IMMEDIATE 4 5 EDITOR DEFINITIONS 6 7 : -MOVE ( ADR N -- ) 8 LINE C/L CMOVE UPDATE ; 9 10 : H ( N -- ) 11 LINE PAD 1+ C/L DUP PAD C! CMOVE ; 12 13 : E ( N -- ) 14 LINE C/L BLANKS UPDATE ; 15 --> SCR # 9 0 ( VIC-FORTH LINE EDITOR ) 1 2 : S ( N -- ) 3 DUP 1- 14 DO FORTH I LINE I 1+ -MOVE 4 -1 +LOOP E ; 5 6 : D ( N -- ) 7 DUP H 15 DUP ROT DO FORTH I 1+ LINE 8 I -MOVE LOOP E ; 9 10 : R ( N -- ) 11 PAD 1+ SWAP -MOVE ; 12 13 : I ( N -- ) 14 DUP S R ; 15 --> SCR # 10 0 ( VIC-FORTH LINE EDITOR ) 1 2 : P ( N -- ) 3 94 TEXT R ; 4 5 : L ( N -- ) 6 SCR @ LIST ; 7 8 : B ( N -- ) 9 SCR 1-! ; 10 11 : N ( N -- ) 12 SCR 1+! ; 13 --> 14 15 SCR # 11 0 ( VIC-FORTH LINE EDITOR ) 1 2 : CLEAR ( N -- ) 3 DUP SCR ! B/SCR * B/SCR 0 DO DUP BLOCK 4 B/BUF BLANKS UPDATE 1+ LOOP DROP ; 5 6 : ZERO ( N -- ) 7 DUP SCR ! B/SCR * B/SCR 0 DO DUP BLOCK 8 B/BUF ERASE UPDATE 1+ LOOP DROP ; 9 10 : COPY ( N1 N2 -- ) 11 FLUSH B/SCR * OFFSET @ + SWAP B/SCR * 12 B/SCR OVER + SWAP DO DUP FORTH I BLOCK 13 2- ! 1+ UPDATE LOOP DROP FLUSH ; 14 --> 15 SCR # 12 0 ( VIC-FORTH LINE EDITOR ) 1 2 : BACKUP ( -- ) 3 FLUSH HPOUT ." DI=0" HPOFF DISC ; 4 5 : SCREENS ( N1 N2 N3 -- ) 6 0 DO OVER FORTH I + OVER FORTH I + 7 COPY LOOP DROP DROP ; 8 9 : PROGRAM ( -- ) 10 0 166 60 SCREENS ; 11 --> 12 13 14 15 SCR # 13 0 ( VIC-FORTH LINE EDITOR ) 1 2 : FREE ( -- ) 3 B/SCR * 1+ SWAP B/SCR * DO FORTH I BLOCK 4 @ 0= IF FORTH I B/SCR / . THEN B/SCR 5 +LOOP ; 6 7 : VIDEO ( -- ) 8 CR HPOFF 4 CLOSE ; 9 10 : PAPER ( -- ) 11 VIDEO 0 0 NAME 4 DUP 0 OPEN DUP 12 ?ERROR 4 HPOUT DUP ?ERROR ; 13 --> 14 15 SCR # 14 0 ( VIC-FORTH LINE EDITOR ) 1 2 FORTH DEFINITIONS 3 4 : WHERE 5 DUP SCR ! ." SCR # " DECIMAL . CR 6 C/L /MOD LINE 2DUP SWAP TYPE 18 EMIT 7 OVER + C/L ROT - TYPE CR [COMPILE] 8 EDITOR SP! QUIT ; 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SCR # 20 0 ( VIC-FORTH 6502 ASSEMBLER ) 1 FORTH DEFINITIONS DECIMAL 2 3 VOCABULARY ASSEMBLER IMMEDIATE 4 5 ASSEMBLER DEFINITIONS HEX 6 7 0 VARIABLE MODE 8 9 : MODE! ( N -- ) MODE ! ; 10 11 : ABS! ( -- ) 2 MODE! ; 12 13 : END-CODE 14 CURRENT @ CONTEXT ! ?CSP BASE ! SMUDGE ; 15 --> SCR # 21 0 ( VIC-FORTH 6502 ASSEMBLER ) 1 2 : ERR ( N -- ) ABS! ERROR ; 3 4 : NZPAG? ( N -- N F ) 5 DUP 0FF00 AND ; 6 7 : # ( N -- N ) 8 NZPAG? IF 9 ERR THEN 3 MODE! ; 9 10 : ) ( -- ) 11 9 MODE! ; 12 13 : ,X ( N -- N ) 14 NZPAG? IF 4 MODE! ELSE 8 MODE! THEN ; 15 --> SCR # 22 0 ( VIC-FORTH 6502 ASSEMBLER ) 1 2 : ,Y ( N -- N ) 3 NZPAG? IF 5 MODE! ELSE 0A MODE! THEN ; 4 5 : X) ( N -- N ) 6 NZPAG? IF 9 ERR THEN 6 MODE! ; 7 8 : )Y ( N -- N ) 9 NZPAG? IF 9 ERR THEN 7 MODE! ; 10 11 : .A ( -- ) 12 0 MODE! ; 13 --> 14 15 SCR # 23 0 ( VIC-FORTH 6502 ASSEMBLER ) 1 2 : IMPLIED C@ C, ; 3 4 00 IMPLIED BRK, 18 IMPLIED CLC, D8 IMPLIED CLD, 5 58 IMPLIED CLI, B8 IMPLIED CLV, CA IMPLIED DEX, 6 88 IMPLIED DEY, E8 IMPLIED INX, C8 IMPLIED INY, 7 EA IMPLIED NOP, 48 IMPLIED PHA, 08 IMPLIED PHP, 8 68 IMPLIED PLA, 28 IMPLIED PLP, 40 IMPLIED RTI, 9 60 IMPLIED RTS, 38 IMPLIED SEC, F8 IMPLIED SED, 10 78 IMPLIED SEI, AA IMPLIED TAX, A8 IMPLIED TAY, 11 BA IMPLIED TSX, 8A IMPLIED TXA, 9A IMPLIED TXS, 12 98 IMPLIED TYA, 13 14 : JSR ( ADR -- ) 20 C, , ; 15 --> SCR # 24 0 ( VIC-FORTH 6502 ASSEMBLER ) 1 2 0 VARIABLE OPCOD -2 ALLOT 3 4 6DFF , 6965 , 797D , 7161 , FF75 , FFFF , 5 252D , 3D29 , 2139 , 3531 , FFFF , 0E0A , 6 FF06 , FFFF , FFFF , FF16 , FFFF , 242C , 7 FFFF , FFFF , FFFF , FFFF , CDFF , C9C5 , 8 D9DD , D1C1 , FFD5 , FFFF , E4EC , FFE0 , 9 FFFF , FFFF , FFFF , CCFF , C0C4 , FFFF , 10 FFFF , FFFF , FFFF , C6CE , DEFF , FFFF , 11 D6FF , FFFF , 4DFF , 4945 , 595D , 5141 , 12 FF55 , FFFF , E6EE , FEFF , FFFF , F6FF , 13 FFFF , 4CFF , FFFF , FFFF , FFFF , 6CFF , 14 FFFF , A5AD , BDA9 , A1B9 , B5B1 , FFFF , 15 --> SCR # 25 0 ( VIC-FORTH 6502 ASSEMBLER ) 1 2 AEFF , A2A6 , BEFF , FFFF , FFFF , FFB6 , 3 FFFF , A5AD , BDA9 , A1B9 , B5B1 , FFFF , 4 AEFF , A2A6 , BEFF , FFFF , FFFF , FFB6 , 5 A4AC , BCA0 , FFFF , B4FF , FFFF , 4E4A , 6 FF46 , FF5E , FFFF , FF56 , FFFF , 050D , 7 1D09 , 0119 , 1511 , FFFF , 2E2A , FF26 , 8 FF3E , FFFF , FF36 , 6AFF , 666E , 7EFF , 9 FFFF , 76FF , FFFF , EDFF , E9E5 , F9FD , 10 F1E1 , FFF5 , FFFF , 858D , 9DFF , 8199 , 11 9591 , FFFF , 8EFF , FF86 , FFFF , FFFF , 12 FFFF , FF96 , 848C , FFFF , FFFF , 94FF , 13 FFFF , 14 15 --> SCR # 26 0 ( VIC-FORTH 6502 ASSEMBLER ) 1 2 : I@ 3 MODE @ SWAP 0B * OPCOD + + C@ ; 4 5 : PUTC 6 I@ C, MODE @ IF 7 MODE @ 1 = MODE @ 4 = MODE @ 5 = 8 MODE @ 9 = OR OR OR 9 IF , ELSE C, THEN THEN 10 ABS! ; 11 12 --> 13 14 15 SCR # 27 0 ( VIC-FORTH 6502 ASSEMBLER ) 1 2 : IS 3 C@ 4 BEGIN DUP I@ 0FF = WHILE 5 MODE @ 8 = IF 4 MODE! ELSE 6 MODE @ 0A = IF 5 MODE ! ELSE 7 MODE @ 2 = IF 1 MODE! ELSE 8 3 ERR THEN 9 THEN 10 THEN 11 REPEAT 12 MODE @ 2 = IF OVER NZPAG? 13 IF 1 MODE! THEN DROP THEN 14 PUTC ; 15 --> SCR # 28 0 ( VIC-FORTH 6502 ASSEMBLER ) 1 2 00 IS ADC, 01 IS AND, 02 IS ASL, 03 IS BIT, 3 04 IS CMP, 05 IS CPX, 06 IS CPY, 07 IS DEC, 4 08 IS EOR, 09 IS INC, 0A IS JMP, 0B IS LDA, 5 0C IS LDX, 0D IS LDY, 0E IS LSR, 0F IS ORA, 6 10 IS ROL, 11 IS ROR, 12 IS SBC, 13 IS STA, 7 14 IS STX, 15 IS STY, 8 9 : NOT ( N1 -- N2 ) 10 20 XOR ; 11 12 90 CONSTANT CC B0 CONSTANT CS 50 CONSTANT VC 13 70 CONSTANT VS 30 CONSTANT MI 10 CONSTANT PL 14 F0 CONSTANT EQ D0 CONSTANT NE 15 --> SCR # 29 0 ( VIC-FORTH 6502 ASSEMBLER ) 1 2 : IF, 3 NOT C, 0 C, HERE ; 4 5 : THEN, 6 HERE OVER - SWAP 1- C! ; 7 8 : ELSE, 9 CLV, VS IF, SWAP THEN, ; 10 11 : BEGIN, 12 HERE ; 13 14 --> 15 SCR # 30 0 ( VIC-FORTH 6502 ASSEMBLER ) 1 2 : UNTIL, 3 NOT C, HERE 1+ - C, ; 4 5 : AGAIN, 6 JMP, ; 7 8 : WHILE, 9 IF, ; 10 11 : REPEAT, 12 SWAP JMP, THEN, ; 13 14 --> 15 SCR # 31 0 ( VIC-FORTH 6502 ASSEMBLER ) 1 2 ' LIT 13 + ( A059 ) CONSTANT PUT 3 ' LIT 11 + ( A057 ) CONSTANT PUSH 4 ' SP@ 1 + ( A3B0 ) CONSTANT PUSH0A 5 ' (DO) 0E + ( A170 ) CONSTANT POP 6 ' (DO) 0C + ( A16E ) CONSTANT POPTWO 7 ' AND 9 + ( A377 ) CONSTANT BINARY 8 ' EXECUTE NFA 11 - ( A086 ) CONSTANT SETUP 9 ' LIT 18 + ( A05E ) CONSTANT NEXT 10 84 CONSTANT IP 11 87 CONSTANT W 12 7C CONSTANT N 13 8B CONSTANT XSAVE 14 89 CONSTANT UP 15 --> SCR # 32 0 ( VIC-FORTH 6502 ASSEMBLER ) 1 2 : BOT 0 ,X ; 3 4 : SEC 2 ,X ; 5 6 : R 0101 ,X ; 7 8 FORTH DEFINITIONS 9 10 : ;CODE 11 ?CSP COMPILE (;CODE) [COMPILE] [ 12 BASE @ HEX !CSP [COMPILE] ASSEMBLER 13 ASSEMBLER ABS! ; IMMEDIATE 14 --> 15 SCR # 33 0 ( VIC-FORTH 6502 ASSEMBLER ) 1 2 : CODE 3 ?EXEC [COMPILE] ASSEMBLER 4 ASSEMBLER ABS! CREATE BASE @ HEX 5 !CSP ; IMMEDIATE 6 7 FORTH DECIMAL 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15