** Installing and Using CoffeeMud 5.8 ------------------------------------------------------------ * Installation (#installation) * Upgrading (#upgrading) + Unchanged DB (#unchanged) + Changed w/fakedb (#changedfdb) + Changed w/o fakedb (#changed) * Settings (#settings) * Multiple Hosts (#multihosts) * The CoffeeMud Package (#package) * The Database (#database) + Microsoft Access (#access) + MySQL/ Win (#mysqlwin) + MySQL/ Linux (#mysqllinux) + HSQL (#hsql) + Derby (#derby) * Offline/ Shutdown (#shutdown) ** ------------------------------------------------------------ The first and most critical step in installing CoffeeMud 5.8 is to make sure that you have downloaded and installed the latest version of the Sun Java SDK, though it only requires JDK 1.6 or better. If you are using some flavor of Unix or Linux instead of Windows, make sure you aren't trying to get by with GCJ -- CoffeeMud (and Sun) do not support it. Now, if you are upgrading from a previous version of CoffeeMud, you need to stop here and skip ahead to the section on upgrading. If this is your first installation, keep reading. You will now need to unpack the CoffeeMud.zip package into a directory on your hard drive. This directory may be called, for instance, "CoffeeMud". If you are using a UNIX/Linux system, you should now bring up a console and cd to whatever directory you unpacked CoffeeMud to. You will first want to convert the dos-formatted install scripts to unix format. To do this, enter dos2unix InstallUNIX.sh and dos2unix mudUNIX.sh. Make sure you can write to mudUNIX.sh by issung the the command chmod 766 mudUNIX.sh Now, enter sh InstallUNIX.sh Follow the prompts by inputting the directory of JAVA; do not enter a trailing slash, for instance: /opt/jdk/jdk1.6.0_22 Continue following the prompts: Say y if you want to compile the main program, n if you don't. Enter the name of your new MUD (this only works FIRST RUN; you cannot use this to change MUD's name in the FUTURE). Say y if you want to start your MUD now, and n if you don't. Hit enter after the nohup comes up. If you are using Windows, or you are using UNIX/Linux and have completed the above instructions... Congratulations! You have successfully installed CoffeeMud. You may wish, at this point, to investigate the settings and components of the CoffeeMud server. If so, by all means, continue reading this document. If you couldn't care less, then go into the your CoffeeMud directory on a command line or DOS prompt and enter (for Windows or DOS users): java -classpath ".;.\lib\js.jar;.\lib\jzlib.jar" -Xmx85m com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.application.MUD "Your Muds Name" And for Unix, Linux, or FreeBSD users, the command differs only in the classpath: java -classpath ".:./lib/js.jar:./lib/jzlib.jar -Xmx85m com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.application.MUD "Your Muds Name" This will start up the CoffeeMud server. Remember to change the "Your Muds Name" text at the end to the unique name you want to give your mud. If you are running Windows, you might also get away with first modifying the file mud.bat using your best text editor, and then executing that file. If you are running some flavor of FreeBSD, Unix, or Linux, you also have a mudLINUX.sh you may first modify, then make executable using the command chmod 755 mudLINUX.sh, and then execute. Now, connect to the server on port 5555 using your telnet or other MUD client. Create yourself a new character. This new character will be your administrative player, or Archon, so most of the player settings, such as class, race, stats, etc. won't matter much (though I would stay away from the Apprentice class). When your character logs in for the first time, you will see a book in a room. Your player should pick up the book and read it. The commands to do this are: get book read book Doing this will turn your player into an Archon. An Archon is an all-powerful administrative player who is capable of all manner of magical conjurations. You will probably want to import a bunch of areas into your database right away. If so, you should enter: ahelp import This will tell you how to import *.CMARE files, which are CoffeeMud formatted area files. Other formats are supported as well. Another way to quickly see some content in your mud is to enter this long command: generate area random_dungeon areaname=MyRandomDungeon south This will generate a random 30-60 room dungeon based on one of the random themes in the /resources/randreas/example.xml file to the south of your current room. If you'd like to actually learn how to use the CoffeeMud engine, you should do the following: * Finish reading this document * Go through the coffeemud.ini (../coffeemud.ini) file, and use the MudGrinders (MUDGrinder.html) Control Panel. * + Set your DOMAIN field + Set your SMTPSERVERNAME field + Set your ADMINEMAIL and MUDSTATE fields + Set your START field + Set your SOUNDPATH field + Set your MXPIMAGEPATH field * Read the Archon's Guide (ArchonGuide.html) . * Review the Game Builders Guide (GameBuildersGuide.html) . * Check the Builders FAQ (BuildersFAQ.html) . * Peruse the Reference Guide (Reference.html) * Remember the Web Server Guide (WebServer.html) . * Be aware of the SMTP Server Guide (SMTPServer.html) . * Rely on the Programmers Guide (Programming.html) . * Be amused with the Random Areas Guide (RandomAreas.html) . Otherwise, once you have your administrator and a few areas, you are technically ready to play! CoffeeMud logo ** ------------------------------------------------------------ There are three upgrade paths, one where the database schema was not changed (4.5.0 to 4.5.1), and two others where the database schema was changed (i.e. 4.7 to 5.0) . If you are unsure, or don't know how to tell, go ahead and follow the changed database schema process. ** ------------------------------------------------------------ If you are upgrading to a version where the database schema has (presumably) not changed, you still must expect that many other things probably have. Therefore, follow these steps: * First go into the directory that contains your olde version of CoffeeMud and obliterate the entire "com" path. Just wipe it away. You won't need it, and it will just cause problems anyway. If you had any custom classes in there, you might want to pull them out first and copy them elsewhere. * Next, save away (in another directory) your coffeemud.ini file, and perhaps your mud.bat or mudLINUX.bat. Also save away any files in the resources or web directory you might have customized to your mud, including perhaps your resources/text/intro.txt file for instance. * Now unpack/unzip the new version of CoffeeMud on TOP of your olde one. * Open up the coffeemud.ini file that comes with the new version and also open up your olde customized coffeemud.ini file you saved away in step 2. Merge over from the old ini file the settings that differ from the new one. The idea here is that the new coffeemud.ini file may contain new settings you need to be aware of. However, your old custom settings will still apply in the new version -- especially your database settings for instance. * Copy your intro.txt on top of the one from the new build. As in step 4, merge any other files back into their counterparts in the new build. * Smile, you are done. ** ------------------------------------------------------------ If you are upgrading to a version with an updated database schema, follow the correct instructions for your database type. If you are using fakedb, follow the instructions below. If you don't know whether or not you are using fakedb, then you ARE using fakedb and should follow these instructions: * Go into the CoffeeMud directory for your olde version and copy the entire fakedb data directory to somewhere else on your hard drive. On CoffeeMud versions 1.2 - 4.7, your fakedb data directory is located in your coffeemud folder in the "data" directory. In versions 5.0 and higher, it is located in your coffeemud folder in the "resources/fakedb" directory. You should see a file called fakedb.schema, along with numerous fakedb.data.* files. Copy them all, and remember where you put them! * Go back to the beginning of this section and follow steps 1 through 5 from the unchanged database schema process. * From the command line, go into your CoffeeMud directory, and from there into fakedb data directory. Delete all the files matching fakedb.data.*, praying you remembered where you saved this stuff away just 2 steps ago. Do NOT delete the fakedb.schema file! If everything went well, the new fakedb.schema from the new version of CoffeeMud is still in your fakedb data directory. * Still from the command line, go into your CoffeeMud directory and enter the following: java com.planet_ink.fakedb.DBUpgrade * Follow the instructions for this little program. * Smile, you are done. ** ------------------------------------------------------------ Now, if you are upgrading to a version with an updated database schema and you are NOT using fakedb, but are using Access, SQL Server, MySQL, or some other database, follow these instructions: * Go into the CoffeeMud directory for your olde version and copy the entire fakedb data directory to somewhere else on your hard drive. On CoffeeMud versions 1.2 - 4.7, your fakedb data directory is located in your coffeemud folder in the "data" directory. In versions 5.0 and higher, it is located in your coffeemud folder in the "resources/fakedb" directory. You should see a file called fakedb.schema, along with numerous fakedb.data.* files. Copy them all, and remember where you put them! Even though you aren't using FakeBD, you will still need to copy FakeDB's schema for use with the upgrade application. * Go back to the beginning of this section and follow steps 1 through 5 from the unchanged database schema process. * Following the instructions provided by your database system, create a brand NEW database for the new version of CoffeeMud. You will need to use the appropriate database schema provided in the new version of CoffeeMud to do this. If you have forgotten what this means, consult the section of this document dealing with the CoffeeMud Database. Make sure you preserve your olde CoffeeMud database from the olde version! * From the command line, go into your CoffeeMud directory and enter the following from the command line: java -Xms16m -Xmx256m com.planet_ink.fakedb.DBUpgrade * NOTE: You may need to add the classpath variable to your database connector (if not FakeDB). Refer to the first-time installation instructions for the CLASSPATH format. For example, if you are using a MYSQL drive, the command might look like: * java -Xms16m -Xmx256m -cp "/myjavastuff/drivers/mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar" com.planet_ink.fakedb.DBUpgrade Follow the instructions for this little program. Now open up your coffeemud.ini file and make any changes necessary to point CoffeeMud to the database for the new version. This may require creating a new ODBC data source, or just modifying the DBSERVICE line, depending on your database type. Smile, you are done. settings ** ------------------------------------------------------------ All of the general purpose settings for the CoffeeMud server are kept in the INI file, called "coffeemud.ini". This file may be modified with your favorite text editor: textpad, vi, emacs, copycon, Whatever! If you are adventurous, you may also specify a custom ini file other than "coffeemud.ini" by putting a boot= myfile.ini entry in your startup line just before the name of your mud. Why would you want to? I don't know, but you can. If you are happy with the standard installation, you will usually also be content to leave most of the INI file alone. You will eventually, however, probably find a need to at least modify the "START" setting. Any changes to the coffeemud.ini file will require that CoffeeMud be restarted before the changes will take effect. Below are some of the more important configuration settings to be aware of in your ini file. There are actually many many more, but they just aren't discussed here. The best way to modify those "other" settings is through the Control Panel in the MUDGrinder (MUDGrinder.html) web site. * SYSMSGS, ERRMSGS, WRNMSGS, DBGMSGS, ACCMSGS, HLPMSGS These entries refer to logged system messages, logged error messages, warning messages, debug messages, web server access logs, and help requests. When logging is directed to a file, that file is called "mud.log". The possible values for each of these settings is either "ON", which will direct the indicated messages to the screen only, "OFF" to disable the messages entirely, "FILE" to direct the messages to the "mud.log" file only, "OWNFILE" to direct the messages to a file of its very own, or "BOTH" for both screen and normal file output. By default, SYSMSGS, WRNMSGS, and ERRMSGS are set to "BOTH", while DBGMSGS and ACCMSGS are set to "OFF", and HLPMSGS set to "OWNFILE". * PORT This is the TCP/IP port number which the main CoffeeMud server will listen on. By default the setting is 5555. If you would like to change this number to some other port, you may do so! You may also add other numbers, separated by commas, to listen on multiple ports! * MUDSTATE This is a short description of the state of your mud as you want it published to the I3 or IMC2 network. A number from 0 (meaning Development) to 3 (Live and Ready) is expected. * START This setting designates the Room ID of the place on your map where new players will start off at. It also dictates where players are brought to when the Recall skill is used. By default, an arbitary room ID has been assigned. Once you've put together a few areas, you had better update this setting before new players start arriving. * CHANNELS This is a comma separated list of channels which the users of your system may converse publicly on. The channel names given here are completely arbitrary and may be meaningful or whimsical terms, though the names may not contains spaces. There are lots of options to peruse over here, and a couple of standard channels are specified to get you started. The limit for the number of standard channels plus any InterMud channels (see I3CHANNELS below) is 48 or so. That's more than plenty, right? * BACKLOG This TCP/IP setting denotes how many connections can be queued up when the server is busy. Leave it at 6. * BIND This TCP/IP setting will limit the IP addresses which can connect to your server. It is commented out by default, which means that everyone is allowed to connect. Leave it that way, unless you want your mud to be secret. * RUNI3SERVER This setting tells CoffeeMud whether to start up the built-in InterMud3 server and make a connection to the InterMud router. A value of "TRUE" will turn on the I3 server and make the connection. * I3PORT This is the TCP/IP port number which the main InterMud3 server will listen on. By default the setting is 27766. If you would like to change this number to some other port, you may do so. If the RUNI3SERVER entry above is FALSE, this setting will have no effect. * I3CHANNELS This is a comma separated list of InterMud3 channels which the users of your system may converse publicly on. Each channel entry is separated by a comma. Each entry consists of a locale channel name (no spaces in the name), followed by a space, followed by a mask to limit who can view or chat on the channel, followed lastly by the name of the InterMud3 channel to map this local channel to. A couple of standard channels are specified. The limit for the number of standard channels (see CHANNELS above) plus any InterMud channels is 48. * RUNWEBSERVERS This setting tells CoffeeMud whether to start up the built-in web servers. A value of "pub,admin" will turn on both of the main web servers. Even if you don't wish to publish any of your MUDs information to the web, you may want to run the Admin web server so that you can use the MUDGrinder area editing tool. See the MUDGrinder Guide (MUDGrinder.html) for more information on this tool. For more information on the CoffeeMud web server in general, please read the WebServer Guide (WebServer.html) . * RUNSMTPSERVER This setting tells CoffeeMud whether to start up the built-in SMTP (mail) server. A value of "TRUE" will turn on the SMTP servers. Even if you don't wish to allow any incoming mail, you may want to run the mail server so that you can create outgoing newsletters for your players. For more information on the CoffeeMud SMTP server in general, please read the SMTPServer Guide (SMTPServer.html) . * ITEMS, MOBS, BEHAVIORS, ABILITIES, CHARCLASSES, RACES, COMMANDS, LOCALES, AREAS, EXITS, etc These settings each specify a path on your local drive which will contain Java class files. These class files are typically classes which you might want to use with your CoffeeMud system, but which are not included with the standard CoffeeMud distribution. See the Programmer's Guide (Programming.html) for more information on writing custom classes for CoffeeMud. * DBCLASS This specifies the name of the Java class which will be used as your JDBC or ODBC database driver. If you are using a System ODBC data source, this entry will typically be "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver". By default, however, the CoffeeMud "fakedb" package is installed. The driver name for this class is "com.planet_ink.fakedb.Driver". See the next section on "The CoffeeMud Database" for more information. * DBSERVICE This is the name of the JDBC or ODBC Service as defined by your local operating system. It typically denotes the name of the ODBC service, or the name of the database in other instances. For a System ODBC service, this value will typically look like "jdbc:odbc:SystemServiceName". By default, however, the fakedb package is used. The format of the service name for fakedb is "jdbc:fakedb:DataPath". Where DataPath is a local drive path containing the "fakedb.schema" file, where your flat data files will be created. See the section on "The CoffeeMud Database" for more information. * DBUSER, DBPASS This specifies the name and password which may or may not be required to log into your ODBC service, or database. Not required for fakedb, and thus blank by default. * DBCONNECTIONS This is the number of independent connections to make to the database through your JDBC/ODBC driver. 1 or 2 is plenty. CoffeeMud is not especially database intensive. * DBREUSE, DBPINGINTERVALS These are for tweeking how CoffeeMud uses database connections. DBREUSE is true to permit the mud to re-use existing connections over and over, instead of making new ones. When DBREUSE is true, DBPINGINTERVALS will help you keep them alive during dormancy by saying how frequently to ping those connections with a trivial query. * In Addition to the above, you will find other numerous flags and settings which allow you to better customize your CoffeeMud. Make sure you check out the Control Panel feature in the MUDGrinder to modify most of them. packages ** ------------------------------------------------------------ There may be circumstances under which you may want to run your mud not only on multiple ports, but with multiple configurations, or multiple maps, perhaps even multiple player bases. This is accomplished by including the "BOOT=" command line parameter multiple times. Each occurrence should be followed by the name of a valid coffeemud ini file, as described in the previous section. The server will then attempt to boot two muds in the same Java environment, each relying to some extent on their own ini files for database and other information. java -classpath ".:./lib/js.jar:./lib/jzlib.jar -Xmx256m com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.application.MUD boot=coffeemud1.ini boot=coffeemud2.ini "Your Two-Headed Muds Common Name" The first BOOT parameter is considered by the CoffeeMud Engine to be the Primary Host (HOST0), and any game resources that are shared will be done with this host. Subsequent ini file configurations will rely on the Primary Hosts ini file to fill in any gaps in necessary configuration entries. Subsequent hosts will also use their own ini files to select which resources to share with the Primary Host, and which to manage independently, separately, and privately from the Primary host. Important INI file entries for Subsequent Host ini files: PORT: required in all ini files. No host will boot without at least one unique value here. DBCLASS: if a subsequent hosts ini file contains a DBCLASS entry, then that host will manage its own private Database connections. NUMLOGS, SYSMSGS, ERRMSGS, etc: manage its own log file. SYSOPMASK, JSCRIPT, GROUP_*: manage its own security settings RUNWEBSERVERS: launch its own web servers RUNSMTPSERVER: launch its own smtp server (but why?!) RUNI3SERVER, other I3 settings: always ignored. Only the Primary Host may launch I3 servers and clients. RUMIMC2CLIENT, other IMC2 settings: always ignored. Only the Primary Host may launch IMC2 clients. PRIVATERESOURCES: defines resources not shared with the Primary Host. See below. All other ini file entries will either be specified in the Subsequent Hosts ini file and therefore unique, or they will not be specified, and therefore have their values copied from the Primary Host ini file. The PRIVATERESOURCES entry defines which of the CoffeeMud engines primary resources will be private to the Subsequent Host, meaning not shared with the Primary Host. This ini file entry is a comma-delimited list of resources to maintain privately in the Subsequent Host, and is defined only in each Subsequent Hosts ini file. Each resource manages a different sphere of MUD activity, so it is wise to consider carefully the interactions of shared and unshared resources. For instance, the CHANNELS resource manages list of channel names and their functions, while SESSIONS manages the list of online players and who may speak to each other over channels, JOURNALS the list of command journals, STATS the player statistics, MAP the world map, LOGINS the list of start rooms, QUEST the list of quests, FACTIONS your factions list, CLANS the player clans, POLLS the online polls, CATALOG your item drop tables and object catalogs, PLAYERS the player cache and tables, TITLES your automatic vanity titles, TIME the global calendar/clock, DBVFS the database-portion of your file system (very important if you want different intro.txt or other files for different hosts), and the various object types if you want to prevent your builders to have different available objects on different hosts. It is recommended that your subsequent ini files include, at least the PORT, one new administrative RUNWEBSERVERS entry, a DBCLASS entry pointing to a dedicated CoffeeMud database for each host, and several PRIVATERESOURCES.. probably DBVFS, PLAYERS, MAP, STATS, QUEST, and CLANS. If you dont want your players to be able to chat with each other over channels, or see each other with the WHO command, you might add CHANNELS and SESSIONS to the list as well. packages ** ------------------------------------------------------------ Here is a summary of the directories inside the CoffeeMud package, along with some of the important files you may want to edit when configuring your server. com The directories inside the com directory contain all the Java Class files, which are the executable portion of CoffeeMud. All of the Java source files are also found herein. guides The guides directory is where you'll find this document, as well as other HTML documents you may find helpful in configuring your server as well as building areas inside it. The guides/database directory is where you'll find several SQL scripts necessary to configuring another database engine, such as SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Access, and others. The guides/images directory contains image files used inside the HTML files in the guides directory. lib The lib directory holds any external libraries or components necessary to run CoffeeMud, but not necessarily part of the CoffeeMud source proper. For instance, this directory holds the Mozilla Rhino Javascript library jar file, called js.jar, as well as the zlib library file, called jzlib.jar. web The web directory is where you'll find several important files related to the configuration of the two default web servers: admin, and public (pub): You may want to edit them at some point, or not. It's up to you. You'll probably be happier if you at least look them over so you know what settings you CAN edit. admin.ini The configuration file for the admin web server. This is the server which, by default, governs the MUDGrinder and other server administrative pages and utilities. common.ini The configuration file for certain settings common to both the admin and public web servers. pub.ini The configuration file for the public web server. email.ini The configuration file for the smtp server. The admin directory is where the pages made available by the admin web server are found, by default. This directory also contains the admin/images to store image files displayed by the admin pages, as well as the admin/grinder directory, where the MUDGrinder pages are stored by default. The admin.templates directory is where the default error page for the admin web server is found. The clan.templates directory is where the default clan/guild web site is found. The pub directory is where the pages made available by the pub web server are found, by default. This directory also contains the pub/images to store image files displayed by the public web pages, as well as the pub/sounds directory where MSP sound files are stored for players to access. The directory pub/images/mxp contains all of the MXP displayable images, including the file pub/images/mxp/intro.jpg, which is the image displayed when players who have MXP compliant mud clients log into your mud. To use multiple/random intros, just insert numbers before the extension for additional ones (intro1.jpg, intro234.jpg) The pub.templates directory is where the default error page for the pub web server is found. resources The resources directory is where you'll find most of the important files for tinkering with the configuration of several aspects of your system. Some of these files are in the resources directory itself, and some are in its subdirectories. The important files found in the resources directory are: chat.dat The configuration file for the MudChat behavior. You can edit this one too. clangovernments.xml The configuration file for the Clan Types. laws.ini The default configuration file for the Arrest behavior. You can edit this, but its easier to deal with law through law books. lawtoc.ini The default pages file for the GenLawBook item. alignment.ini The default faction configuration file for player alignments. There are command line tools for factions. movingroom.xml A sample configuration file for the MovingRoom behavior. parser_en_TX.properties The definitions file for CoffeeMud's user-input translation engine. translation_en_TX.properties The definitions file for CoffeeMud's user-putput translation engine. socials.txt The text file holding all of the socials. There is a command line tool for updating this file. mxp_images.ini A definition table for the default image files used for mxp clients. titles.txt A definition file for automatic player titles. Can be modified directly, or with the CREATE/LIST/DESTROY TITLE commands. lists.ini A properties file containing several miscellaneous charts and tables for user modification. The resources/catalog directory is not locally accessible, and exists only in the coffeemud database file system (VFS). It is completely system generated, and contains xml (*.cmare) versions of all the mobs and items you use in your Catalog system. See the Archon's or Game Builder's guide for more information. The resources/fakedb directory is where all area, room, mob, journal, and player data is stored when the FAKEDB system is being used. When FAKEDB is not being used, this directory is unused. The resources/examples directory is where you'll find sample files for a variety of things. areareaction.ini A template for use by the Faction system for automatic mob reactions based on area. See AUTOREACTION in your coffeemud.ini file for more information on this system. deities.cmare A cmare file with some example deities to load into your mud. Use the IMPORT command to load this set of mobs. factiontemplate.ini A template file for use by the creation wizard when new factions are created. Do not modify this file!! FindRawMaterial.js A sample Command class written in javascript as an example of how to write coffeemud commands in javascript. Use LOAD COMMAND resources/examples/FindRawMaterial.js to install it, and then enter FINDRAWMATERIAL IRON at the command line to run it. reputation.ini Sample faction ini file, which you may add to the value of the FACTIONS tag in your coffeemud.ini file to make use of. Lemmings.js A sample MOB class written in javascript as an example on how to write coffeemud code. Use LOAD MOB resources/examples/Lemming.js to load it up, and see the Programmer's Guide for more information namereaction.ini A template for use by the Faction system for automatic mob reactions based on mob name. See AUTOREACTION in your coffeemud.ini file for more information on this system. QuickWho Another sample Command class written in javascript as an example of how to write coffeemud commands in javascript. Use LOAD COMMAND resources/examples/QuickWho.js to install it, and then enter QUICKWHO at the command line to run it. racereaction.ini A template for use by the Faction system for automatic mob reactions based on mob race. See AUTOREACTION in your coffeemud.ini file for more information on this system. The resources/factions directory is where you should put all of your faction definition files. The standard faction shipped with the mud, called Alignment, is found in there. The resources/help directory is where you'll find all of the files responsible for the numerous standard and archon HELP entries. It also contains the two text files shown when help and ahelp are entered without parameters. The *.ini files are formatted as java property files, meaning that they are in ENTRY=VALUE format. The VALUE may span several lines, so long as it ends with a backslash \. Files that contain help entries for the ARCHELP (archon help) command all start with arc_*, while those that do not are for the HELP (player help) command. The resources/progs directory contains several sample program files: autoplayer Don't look in here -- it's barely even started. Just junk right now. blackjack.script Sample blackjack dealer MOBPROG. By adding LOAD=progs/blackjack.script to the parameters of a Scriptable behavior which has been added to a genmob, you can make that mob a blackjack dealer. See help on Scriptable for more information. chardesc.script A sample script to use with your coffeemud.ini files' CHARCREATIONSCRIPTS entry. clearChannelQue.js Sample javascript archon command that clears the backlog on a given chatter-channel. To use the command, enter JRUN resources/progs/clearChannelQue.js coffeeanthem.script Sample MOBPROG script to make a mob sing the CoffeeMud anthem every day. Added to mobs the same way blackjack.script is added above. craps.script Sample MOBPROG script to make a mob a craps dealer. Added to mobs the same way blackjack.script is added above. everyoneIsHome.js Sample javascript archon command that tests to see if any mobs are outside their home areas. To execute, enter JRUN resources/progs/everyoneIsHome.js heresy.script Sample MOBPROG script to make a mob accuse anyone who enters their room of heresy. Added to mobs the same way blackjack.script is added above. Requires that the area the mob is home to has the Arrest behavior (to implement law in that area). knucklebones.script Sample MOBPROG script to make a mob a knucklebones dealer. Added to mobs the same way blackjack.script is added above. maxItemsRoom.js Sample javascript archon command to tell you which rooms have the most items in them. To execute, enter JRUN resources/progs/maxItemsRoom.js mrinfo.script Sample MOBPROG script to demonstrate various triggers. Added to mobs the same way blackjack.script is added above. scriptableTest.script A MOBPROG to test various triggers in Scriptable. strangetrader.script Sample MOBPROG script to demonstrate various triggers. Added to mobs the same way blackjack.script is added above. The resources/quests directory contains several sample quests. Each quest is in its own directory, along with any supporting Scriptable *.script files, and any supporting mob or item *.cmare files. The CREATE QUEST command is used to load each of these *.quest files. Quests may also be loaded via the MUDGrinder. The resources/randareas directory contains sample random area data templates, which all end with the *.xml extension. The sample file "example.xml" is in this directory, which contains instructions for making new template files by hand. Random area templates can also be modified via the MUDGrinder. example.xml A default area generation file for the GENERATE command. The resources/skills directory contains the database of recipes used by the Common skills in CoffeeMud. Each text file contains recipe for a single skill, and each is formatted in tab-delimited format, with rows separated by carriage returns. This directory includes: alchemy.txt Recipes for the Alchemy skill allqualifylist.txt List of skills that span across all classes. armorsmith.txt Recipes for the Armorsmithing skill bake.txt Recipes for the Baking skill blacksmith.txt Recipes for the Baking skill cagebuilding.txt Recipes for the Blacksmithing skill carpentry.txt Recipes for the Carpentry skill clancraft.txt Recipes for the Clan Crafting skill cobbler.txt Recipes for the Cobbler skill components.txt Definitions file for spell/skill components. Can modify this file, or use CREATE/LIST/DESRTROY COMPONENTS commands costume.txt Recipes for the Costuming skill expertises.txt Definitions file for spell/skill expertises. Can modify this file, or use CREATE/LIST/DESTROY EXPERTISES commands fletching.txt Recipes for the Fletching skill foodprep.txt Recipes for the FoodPrep skill glassblowing.txt Recipes for the Glass Blowing skill herbalism.txt Recipes for the Herbalism skill herbology.txt Recipes for the Herbology skill instruments.txt Recipes for the Instruments skill insultd.txt Insults text source file for the Joke skill insulto.txt Other insults text source file for the Joke skill jewelmaking.txt Recipes for the Jewelmaking skill leatherworking.txt Recipes for the Leatherworking skill liquors.txt Recipes for the Distilling skill masterarmorsmith.txt Recipes for the Master Armorsmithing skill mastercostume.txt Recipes for the Master Costuming skill masterleatherworking.txt Recipes for the Master Leatherworking skill mastertailor.txt Recipes for the Master Tailoring skill masterweaponsmith.txt Recipes for the Master Weaponsmithing skill papermaking.txt Recipes for the Papermaking skill poisons.txt Recipes for the Poisons skill pottery.txt Recipes for the Pottery skill recipes.txt Recipes for the Cooking skill scrimshaw.txt Recipes for the Scrimshawing skill scribing.txt Recipes for the Scroll Scribing sculpting.txt Recipes for the Sculpting skill shipwright.txt Recipes for the ShipWrighting skill smelting.txt Recipes for the Smelting skill tailor.txt Recipes for the Tailoring skill taxidermy.txt Recipes/Descriptiong for the Taxidermy skill torturesmith.txt Recipes for the Torturesmithing skill wainwright.txt Recipes for the Wainwrighting skill weaponsmith.txt Recipes for the Weaponsmithing skill weaving.txt Recipes for the Weaving skill The resources/text directory contains several text files displayed at different points in the CoffeeMud engine. Feel free to load these into a text editor and have at them. A summary is as follows: alignment.txt A text file describing alignment to new players. classes.txt A text file describing class selections for new players. credits.txt The text file shown to users who use the CREDITS command. down.txt The text file displayed to users only when the OffLine application is running. doneacct.txt A file shown after account creation, but before character creation. email.txt The text shown to players during character creation regarding the email address prompt. intro.txt The text file displayed to users when they connect to your mud. To use multiple/random intros, just insert numbers before the extension for additional ones (intro1.txt, intro234.txt) mxp.txt A text file containing the complete MXP dictionary. See http://www.zuggsoft.com/zmud/mxp.htm for more information on this feature. newacct.txt A text file introducing new accounts. newchar.txt A text file introducing your mud to new players. newchardone.txt A text file shown to players after they have created their character. nologins.txt A text file shown to non-archons who try to login when the LOGINS flag is disabled in the coffeemud.ini file. offline.txt A text file shown to players while your mud is booting. races.txt A text file describing race selections to new players. rules.txt A text file shown when players enter the RULES command. selchar.txt A text file shown on account char selection. stats.txt A text file describing the basic stats to new players themes.txt A text file shown to users when the coffeemud.ini file is configured for multiple themes. Not presently supported very well, however. database ** ------------------------------------------------------------ CoffeeMud requires a database for operation. A database is simply the place where all the rooms, items, monsters, players, pets, and other information is stored on the computer. Without the database, you would have to start all over from scratch every time you booted the MUD Server. And we all know that would be bad. By default, CoffeeMud uses a custom JDBC flat-file database called "fakedb". FakeDB stores its data into text formatted files inside the "resources/fakedb" directory of your CoffeeMud package. FakeDB is rather slow, and hardly a powerful or professional database system, but it is quite sufficient for CoffeeMud tinkerers, and performs well the small tasks it was designed for. For the more serious, CoffeeMud supports any JDBC or ODBC compliant database system. This includes such systems as Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, and others. While this document cannot cover the step by step installation instructions for each of these systems, it can be pointed out that everything you need has been provided. Inside the "guides/database/" directory of your CoffeeMud package, you will find several files: "coffeemuddb.sql", "coffeemuddbmssql.sql", "coffeemuddbaccess.sql", "coffeemudibmdb2.sql", "coffeemuddbmysql.sql", "coffeemuddbpsql.sql", "coffeemuddbhsql.sql", "coffeemuddderby.sql", and "fakedb.schema". The first five are SQL Scripts which can be used to create the necessary tables in Microsoft SQL Server ("coffeemuddbmssql.sql"), MySQL ("coffeemuddbmysql.sql"), Access ("coffeemuddbaccess.sql"), PostgreSQL ("coffeemuddbpsql.sql"), Derby ("coffeemuddbderby.sql"), HSQLDB ("coffeemuddbhsql.sql"), IBM DB2 ("coffeemudibmdb2.sql")and some of the others. The last is a copy of the same fakedb file from your "resources/fakedb" directory, in case it becomes corrupted. Although the manner in which the SQL Scripts are used may differ from system to system, they cannot all be covered here. Some of the scripts may need to be changed slightly to work with some systems. Some systems will require each SQL Statement be issued independently instead of as part of a larger script. Please consult your database documentation for more information on this. In order to use your database with CoffeeMud, as specified in the section on Settings, you must provide CoffeeMud with a JDBC compliant Driver class. In a few cases, you may be creating a System ODBC Data Source. When this is the case, the driver "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" may be used to access the database. Most systems, however, such as MySQL, IBM DB2, and Microsoft SQL Server 2000, have native JDBC Drivers which may be used instead of the general ODBC Driver. These native JDBC Drivers tend to be far superior to their ODBC counterparts, and are highly recommended. The care and feeding of the tables used by CoffeeMud should be very low. The database will grow along with the areas created, and along with the number of players which join your MUD. All of this growth can be managed, however, within CoffeeMud itself, by your Archon administrative user. You should not need to, nor should you attempt to affect individual rows in your database for any reason. ** ------------------------------------------------------------ * Open up Microsoft Access and select to create a Blank Access Database. Give the database a name and save it on your hard drive. * Under Objects, select the Queries section and select Create Query in Design View. When the dialog box appears, click the close button. * Now right click on the large grey area and select "SQL View" from the context Menu. * Inside your CoffeeMud/guides/database folder, open up the coffeemuddbaccess.sql file using a text editor. You will see that the file contains numerous blocks of sql text. Each block begins with CREATE TABLE, and ends with a semicolon ); * Select the first block of text in your sql file, from the first CREATE TABLE line down through the ); line, and select Copy from the text editor. Paste this block into the Select Query area in Microsoft Access. Paste it over any other text that may be in there. * Press the "!" symbol at the top to execute the block of sql script. * Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the remaining CREATE TABLE blocks in the coffeemuddbmssql.sql file. * Now go to your Windows Control Panel (under XP, switch to Classic View) and double-click the ODBC Data Sources (32-bit) icon. If you are using Windows 2000 or XP, double-click the Administrative Tools option. Then select the ="">Data Sources (ODBC) icon. * Now, click on the System DSN tab. Click the Add button. This will present you with a list of drivers. Select " Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)" * Here you should probably name the data source something sensical, like CoffeeMudData or the like. Under Database, click Select. Locate and select your CoffeeMud.mdb file that you saved in step 1. Click OK and then OK to get all the way back out of things. * Open coffeemud.ini. Go to where it says "ODBC Database fields". That section should instead look like this: #------------------------ # ODBC Database fields #------------------------ # DBCLASS is the name of the ODBC Driver, typically sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver # DBSERVICE is the name of the ODBC Service as defined by your local operating system # DBUSER is a user name required to log into the ODBC service # DBPASS is the password for the above user name # DBCONNECTIONS is the number of independent connections to make to the database DBCLASS=sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver DBSERVICE=jdbc:odbc:CoffeeMudData DBUSER= DBPASS= DBCONNECTIONS=1 Where it says "jdbc:odbc:CoffeeMudData", make sure the part after "jdbc:odbc:" matches the DNS name you made earlier. Make sure your DBCONNECTIONS is never set above 1 when using Microsoft Access. Now, reboot CoffeeMud, and you are done! ** ------------------------------------------------------------ * Go to www.mysql.com, click on Downloads (one of the tabs at the very top). Download the latest generally available production version. * Go back to the Downloads tab, this time scroll down to MYSQL Connectors. Download the latest Connector/J, or whatever they are calling their JDBC Driver at the time. * Install MySQL -- consult the web site if you are having problems. * Go to your coffeemud folder, open the guides\database folder, and you will see a file called "coffeemuddbmysql.sql". Open that file with a text editor or textpad etc... (you might want to make a backup copy first...) Now, add the following: # Connection: SQL # Host: localhost # Saved: 2003-04-01 00:29:14 # # Connection: SQL # Host: localhost # Saved: 2003-04-01 00:27:39 # use coffeemud <----ADD THIS LINE! CREATE TABLE CMCHAB ( CMUSERID char (50) NULL , CMABID char (50) NULL , CMABPF int NULL , CMABTX text NULL etc.. etc.. Now copy the edited coffeemuddbmysql.sql to your c:\program files\mysql\bin folder (or wherever you installed mysql). * Now, open a DOS window (Start > Run > type "cmd" and hit enter) and type cd c:\program files\mysql \bin and hit Enter. Type "mysql" and enter. You should get a Welcome to the MySQL monitor etc. etc. etc.. and now the prompt should simply say "mysql>" . Now type "create database coffeemud;" (please note the semi-colon";"!!!) and hit enter. You should get "Query OK, 1 row affected <0.11sec)" or something like that... then type "use coffeemud" and hit enter. Next enter "source coffeemuddbmysql.sql" and hit enter. After a moment or two, it will be done. Lastly, enter "\q", that should quit you out of the monitor. * If all went well, you should now have mysql running and a coffeemud database all set for it to access. * Now go to your coffeemud folder and open your coffeemud.ini file in a text editor, and look for the section that says: DBCLASS=com.planet_ink.fakedb.Driver DBSERVICE=jdbc:fakedb:resources/data DBUSER= DBPASS= DBCONNECTIONS=2 and change it to: DBCLASS=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver DBSERVICE=jdbc:mysql://localhost/coffeemud DBUSER= DBPASS= DBREUSE=TRUE DBPINGINTERVALMINS=60 DBCONNECTIONS=4 * Go back to the other file you downloaded in STEP 2, mysql-connector-java-???.zip, and now extract that into a temp folder. Inside, there should be a "mysql-connector-java-???.jar" file. Copy the jar file over into your c:\coffeemud\lib folder. . * Open up the mud.bat file and add the name of the JAR file above to the classpath string. For example: * java -classpath ".;.\lib\js.jar;.\lib\jzlib.jar;.\lib\mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar" -Xms64m .... * ** Your version of the connector jar file may vary! Now, with mysqld still running in the background, just launch the mud.bat. ** ------------------------------------------------------------ * Download and install mysql from http://www.mysql.com/downloads/index.html. Make sure mysqld is being run at boot time, and not by the root user. * Download and install the mysql jdbc api from http://www.mysql.com/downloads/api-jdbc-stable.html. Extract the .tar.gz file to a temporary directory. Then copy the extracted driver JAR file into your /CoffeeMud/lib directory. * Open up the mudUNIX.sh file and add the name of the JAR file above to the classpath string. For example: * nohup java -classpath ".:./lib/js.jar:./lib/jzlib.jar:./lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar" -Xms65535000 .... * ** Your version of the connector jar file may vary! Create a coffeemud database from the shell as root type, "mysqladmin create coffeemud" (in this example we name the db coffeemud). If you screw up, or need to delete the new db for some reason, you can always do a "mysqladmin drop coffeemud". Create a user for the new database (user in this example is called coffee). As root, type "mysql" into the shell. Now enter: GRANT ALL ON coffeemud.* TO coffee@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "password"; Enter a password for the user inside the quotes. Now type, "quit". Edit the file CoffeeMud/guides/coffeemuddbmysql.sql like so: at line 9 insert "use coffeemud" (assuming the new db is called coffeemud). Then save the changes. Run the SQL file as follows: from the shell type, "mysql < coffeemuddbmysql.sql" Edit the following settings in CoffeeMud/coffeemud.ini: DBCLASS=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver DBSERVICE=jdbc:mysql://localhost/coffeemud DBUSER=coffee DBPASS=password DBREUSE=TRUE DBPINGINTERVALMINS=60 DBCONNECTIONS=4 (no quotes on the password here) Save your changes and fire up CoffeeMud! ** ------------------------------------------------------------ * Get the database software Go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/hsqldb/ and download the applicable archive. * Putting HSQLDB into the classpath Go into the archive that was just downloaded. Extract the file hsqldb.jar. This file needs to be placed into the classpath. I merely placed it in "\lib\ext" (C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_22\lib\ext on my system) * Creating the coffeemud database Open a command window and navigate to the root of the CoffeeMUD install directory. Create the directory for the database to reside in by executing the following command (or wherever you want to call it): mkdir coffeemud Now navigate into the newly created directory. Next, issue the following command to start the database interface. java org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager The system will respond by bringing up a small GUI application. Now we need to set up the correct parameters to create the database. The final parameter of the URL is the name of the database Type: HSQL Database Engine Standalone Driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver URL: jdbc:hsqldb:file:coffeemud User: Password: Now that the values have been filled in click ok. The tables necessary for CoffeeMUD can be setup by: Open File Menu. Select Open Script. Find and open the coffeemuddbhsql.sql file in the CoffeeMUD\guides\database directory. The script will then be loaded into the program. Click the Execute button. The system should return with and update count of 0. Now to shutdown the database and exit this utility: Open Command Menu. Select SHUTDOWN. Click the Execute Button. Open the File Menu. Select Exit. The coffeemud database will exist in the folder where the DatabaseManager utility was run. * Set up CoffeeMUD to use the correct driver Open coffeemud.ini and scroll down to the ODBC Database fields section. Comment out the current settings (place a # in front of them) and add the following lines below them: #here are the settings for HSQLDB DBCLASS=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver DBSERVICE=jdbc:hsqldb:file:coffeemud/coffeemud DBUSER=sa DBPASS= DBREUSE=TRUE DBPINGINTERVALMINS=60 DBCONNECTIONS=4 The file: parameter of the DBSERVICE is the path to the database (relative from the root of the coffeemud directory) followed by the name of the database. * Shut down the database gracefully Open DBConnections.java (com\planet_ink\coffee_mud\core\database\) in your text editor of choice. Go to the public void killConnections() function. Before the synchronized block opens add the following line: update( "SHUTDOWN COMPACT" ); Now recompile the source and it will work like a dream... * Smile, you are done. ** ------------------------------------------------------------ * Get the database software Go to http://db.apache.org/derby/derby_downloads.html and download the distribution( lib or bin, unless you want to build the whole project ). * Putting Derby into the classpath Derby.jar and Derbytools.jar must be placed into the classpath for them to be of any use. These archives live in the lib subfolder of the Derby distribution. They can be placed into the root of the CoffeeMUD folder or they can be placed into "\lib\ext" (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_22\lib\ext on my system) * Creating the coffeemud database Open a command window and navigate to the root of the CoffeeMUD install directory. Issue the following command to start the database interface. java org.apache.derby.tools.ij The system will respond with: ij version 10.1 ij> Now we will issue the command that will create the database. connect 'jdbc:derby:coffeemud;create=true'; After a time the ij> prompt will return. Now to run the SQL that will set up the tables: run '.\guides\database\coffeemuddbderby.sql'; A description of all of the tables created will fill up the window. Finally, we must disconnect from the database and exit the utility. disconnect; exit; The coffeemud database will exist in a folder called 'coffeemud' in the current working directory, and if CoffeeMUD is to find it this must be the root of the coffeemud install. * Set up CoffeeMUD to use the correct driver Open coffeemud.ini and scroll down to the ODBC Database fields section. Comment out the current settings (place a # in front of them) and add the following lines below them: #here are the settings for IBM Cloudscape/Derby/ApacheDB DBCLASS=org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver DBSERVICE=jdbc:derby:coffeemud DBREUSE=TRUE DBCONNECTIONS=2 * Smile, you are done... well mostly Currently there are some minor changes that must be made to the code for Derby to work properly. * Change? This step is not really necessary, it just makes things cleaner. Currently when CoffeeMUD is shut down it does not exit the database properly, I have not yet worked out a good way to fix this, however, the following will work: Open DBConnections.java (com\planet_ink\coffee_mud\core\database\) in your text editor of choice. Go to the public void killConnections() function. after the synchronized block closes add this: try { DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby:;shutdown=true"); } catch (SQLException se) { } Now recompile the source and it will work like a dream... * Increasing performance The basic settings for Derby end up in it being about half the speed of other databases. The method to correct this is simple, however, it is very memory intensive (I upped the maximum memory for CoffeeMUD to 512 Megs, it really only uses about 300 Megs...) Before running step 4 (the creation of the database), create a file called 'derby.properties' in the root CoffeeMUD directory. This file should contain: # derby.properties # derby.storage.pageSize=32768 derby.storage.pageCacheSize=10000 When the coffeemud database is created this time it will run at about the same speed as other databases. More information on these properties can be found at \doc\pdf\tuning.pdf. offline and shutdown applications ** ------------------------------------------------------------ In the off chance you should need to keep your mud down while database, or other software (or hardware?) maintenance is going on, a small footprint OffLine application is available. This application will read the port information from your coffeemud.ini file just like the regular mud server. It will accept connections, but only to display the file resources/text/down.txt before disconnecting the user automatically. To execute this application, you should go into your coffeemud directory and enter: java com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.application.OffLine The Shutdown application is a means of shutting down your MUD remotely without logging in. It is part of the application package of CoffeeMud, but it does not rely on any of the other internal classes. You may therefore, if you like, copy the file Shutdown.class onto a floppy disk and execute it from there, so long as the file is stored in a com/planet_ink/coffee_mud/application folder or directory. The Shutdown application requires that you pass to it the URL of your server, the standard MUD port to connect to, the login name of a valid Archon character, and the password. You may optionally also include the word 'true' if you wish the system to reboot instead of simply shutting down. To execute this application, you should go into your coffeemud directory or wherever the "com" directory for CoffeeMud is located, and enter: java com.planet_ink.coffee_mud.application.Shutdown localhost 5555 AdminName AdminPassword