VARIABLEEDITOR HELP: The variable editor lets you change many things about your stats and default values in the BBS. PASSWORD - to change your password, choose this command and enter the new password which you would like to change to. Now, next time you call, you must use this password to logon. HIGHMESSAGECOUNTER (see the help file on the message base before reading this). - this will let you raise or lower your message counter to make old messages appear new again or other messages appear old (not "NEW"). DEFAULTBAUDRATE - this is for modemers who call the system in 300 baud and wish to change to a certain baud EVERY time they call. To use the default baud rate function, enter the baud rate you would like and hit return. This baud MUST be between 200 and 500. Now, the next time you call (in 300), you will be prompted to change to your default baud rate instead of having to change it from the main menu every time you call. The next functions are default values for the message maker. A YES in any of this activates that function in the message maker every time YOU use it. See the help file on the message maker for more information.