Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm From: (Olaf Seibert) Subject: PET RAM memory map Organization: University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands Date: Wed, 14 Dec 1994 19:22:02 GMT This could be improved upon - not all locations have labels. I must note I've never seen a PET memory map with labels, so in that respect this is a first. I could add the locations for the Basic 1 ROMs in a next version. Corrections welcome. Enjoy. ; Commodore PET RAM Memory Map ; for Basic 2 and 4 (40 and 80 columns) ; V1.1 13 dec 1994 ; ; Note that the labels in this list are matched up against C-64 ; memory maps. All attempts were made to secure plausibility of ; placement. ; Locations marked with (64#..) are found by taking the label given ; for the C-64 and comparing ROM disassemblies. Many of these ; locations have RS-232 specific names. LABEL HEX DECIMAL ADDRESS LOCATION DESCRIPTION USRPOK 0000 0 USR Function Jump Instr (4C) USRADD 0001-0002 1-2 USR Address Low Byte / High Byte CHARAC 0003 3 Search Character ENDCHR 0004 4 Flag: Scan for Quote at End of String COUNT 0005 5 Input Buffer Pointer / No. of Subscripts DIMFLG 0006 6 Flag: Default Array DiMension / array name initial / AND, OR flag VAUYP 0007 7 Data Type: $FF = String, $00 = Numeric INTFLG 0008 8 Data Type: $80 = Integer, $00 = Floating GARBFL 0009 9 Flag: DATA scan/LlST quote/Garbage Coll SUBFLG 000A 10 Flag: Subscript Ref / User Function Call INPFLG 000B 11 Flag: $00 = INPUT, $40 = GET, $98 = READ TANSGN 000C 12 Flag TAN sign / Comparison Result 000D 13 3: Flag to suppress PRINT or PRINT# when -ve 000E 14 3: File# of current I/O device (as 0010) 000F 15 3: terminal width (unused-carried over from TTY) 0010 16 3: width of source (unused - from TTY) 000D-000F 13-15 4: Disk Status DS$ descriptor 0010 16 4: File# of current I/O device (when non-zero suppresses INPUT prompt etc) LINNUM 0011-0012 17-18 Temp: Integer Value TEMPPT 0013 18 Pointer Temporary String LASTPT 0014-0015 19-21 Last Temp String Address TEMPST 0016-001E 22-30 Stack for Temporary Strings INDEX 001F-0022 31-34 Utility Pointer Area RESHO 0023-0027 35-39 Floating-Point Product of Multiply TXTTAB 0028-0029 40-41 Pointer: Start of BASIC Text VARTAB 002A-002B 42-43 Pointer: Start of BASIC Variables ARYTAB 002C-002D 44-45 Pointer: Start of BASIC Arrays STREND 002E-002F 46-47 Pointer End of BASIC Arrays (+1) FRETOP 0030-0031 48-49 Pointer: Bottom of String Storage FRESPC 0032-0033 50-51 Utility String Pointer MEMSIZ 0034-0035 52-53 Pointer: Highest Address Used by BASIC CURLIN 0036-0037 54-55 Current BASIC Line Number OLDLIN 0038-0039 56-67 Previous BASIC Line Number OLDTXT 003A-003B 58-59 Pointer: BASIC Statement for CONT DATLIN 003C-003D 60-61 Current DATA Line Number DATPTR 003E-003F 62-63 Pointer: Current DATA Item Address INPPTR 0040-0041 64-65 Vector: INPUT Routine VARNAM 0042-0043 66-67 Current BASIC Variable Name VARPNT 0044-0045 68-69 Pointer: Current BASIC Variable Data FORPNT 0046-0047 70-71 Pointer: Index Variable for FOR/NEXT 0048-0049 72-73 Y-save; op-save; BASIC pointer save 004A 74 Comparison symbol accumulator: bits 0,1,2 are <, =, >. 004B-004C 75-76 Pointer to temp storage in RAM for FN DEF, TAN, &c 004D-0050 77-80 Pointer to string, length and garbage collect constant TEMPF1 0054-0058 Temporary storage for FLPT value. TEMPF2 0059-005D Temporary storage for FLPT value. FACEXP 005E 94 Floating-Point Accumulator #1: Exponent FACHO 005F-0062 95-98 Floating Accum. #1: Mantissa FACSGN 0063 99 Floating Accum. #1: Sign SGNFLG 0064 100 Pointer: Series Evaluation Constant Pointer BITS 0065 101 Floating -accum. #1: Overflow Digit ARGEXP 0066 102 Floating-Point Accumulator #2: Exponent ARGHO 0067-006A 103-106 Floating Accum. #2: Mantissa ARGSGN 006B 107 Floating Accum. #2: Sign ARISGN 006C 108 Sign Comparison Result: Accum. # 1 vs #2 FACOV 006D 109 Floating Accum. #1. Low-Order (Rounding) FBUFPT 006E-006F 110-111 Pointer: Cassette Buffer CHRGET 0070-0087 112-135 Subroutine: Get Next Byte of BASIC Text CHRGOT 0076 118 Entry to Get Same Byte of Text Again TXTPTR 0077-0078 119-120 Pointer: Current Byte of BASIC Text 0070 INC $77 BNE $0076 0076 LDA $xxxx CMP #$3A BCS $0087 CMP #$20 BEQ $0070 SEC SBC #$30 SEC SBC #$D0 0087 RTS RNDX 0088-008C 136-140 Floating RND Function Seed Value TIME 008D-008F 141-143 Real-Time Jiffy Clock (approx) 1/60 Sec CINV 0090-0091 144-145 Vector: Hardware Interrupt CBINV 0092-0093 146-147 Vector: BRK Instr. Interrupt NMINV 0094-0095 148-149 Vector: Non-Maskable Interrupt STATUS 0096 150 Kernal I/O Status Word: ST LSTX 0097 151 Current Key Pressed: 255 = No Key SFDX 0098 Flag: Print Shifted Chars. 0099-009A Jiffy clock correction: 623rd 1/60 sec does not increment time STKEY 009B 155 Flag: STOP key / RVS key SVXT 009C 156 Timing Constant for Tape VERCK 009D 157 Flag: 0 = Load, 1 = Verify (Kernel) NDX 009E 158 No. of Chars. in Keyboard Buffer (Queue) RVS 009F 159 Flag: Print Reverse Chars. -1=Yes, 0=No Used C3PO 00A0 160 Flag: Serial Bus-Output Char. Buffered INDX 00A1 161 Pointer: End of Logical Line for INPUT 00A2 162 Not Used LXSP 00A3-00A4 163-164 Cursor Y-X Pos. at Start of INPUT BSOUR 00A5 165 Buffered Character for IEEE Bus 00A6 166 Key Image BLNSW 00A7 167 Cursor Blink enable: 0 = Flash Cursor BLNCT 00A8 168 Timer: Countdown to Toggle Cursor GDBLN 00A9 169 Character Under Cursor BLNON 00AA 170 Flag: Last Cursor Blink On/Off ?SYNO 00AB 171 Cassette Sync No. (64#0096) ?NXTBIT 00AB 171 Tape EOT Flag: EOT received from tape CRSW 00AC 172 Flag: INPUT or GET from Keyboard 00AD 173 X save in tape handling (saves cassette #) LDTND 00AE 174 No. of Open Files / Index to File Table DFLTN 00AF 175 Default Input Device (0) DFLTO 00B0 176 Default Output (CMD) Device (3) PRTY 00B1 177 Tape Character Parity DPSW 00B2 178 Flag: Tape Byte-Received PSW=DPSW 00B3 179 Temporary save eg. logical address or DOS wedge 00B7 183 Temp Data Area (64#00A3) 00B9 185 Temp Data Area (64#00A4) BUFPNT 00BB Pointer: Tape I/O Buffer #1 00BC Pointer: Tape I/O Buffer #2 INBIT 00BD 189 Cassette Temp (64#00A7) BITCI 00BE 190 Cassette Temp (64#00A8) RINONE 00BF 191 RS-232 Flag: Check for Start Bit (64#00A9) FNMIDX 00C0 192 Index to Cassette File name/Header ID for Tape write. PTR1 00C0 192 Tape Pass 1 Error Log PTR2 00C1 193 Tape Pass 2 Error Log RIDATA 00C2 194 Cassette Temp (64#00AA) read flags: 0=scan, 1-15=count, $40=load, $80=end of tape marker RIPRTY 00C3 195 Cassette Short Cnt (64#00AB): counter of seconds before tape write / checksum PNT 00C4-00C5 196-197 Pointer: Current Screen Line Address PNTR 00C6 198 Cursor Column on Current Line SAL 00C7-00C8 199-200 Pointer: Tape Buffer/ Screen Scrolling EAL 00C9-00CA 201-202 Tape End Addresses/End of Program CMP0 00CB-00CC 203-204 Tape Timing Constants QTSW 00CD 205 Flag: Editor in Quote Mode, $00 = NO BITTS 00CE 206 Cassette Temp (64#00B4): Tape read timer flag =IRQ enabled for Timer 1 00CF 207 End of tape read 00D0 208 Read character error FNLEN 00D1 209 Length of Current File Name LA 00D2 210 Current Logical File Number SA 00D3 211 Current Secondary Address FA 00D4 212 Current Device Number LNMX 00D5 213 Physical Screen Line Length 00D5 213 4.80: right side of window TAPE1 00D6-00D7 214-215 Pointer: Start of Tape Buffer TBLX 00D8 216 Current Cursor Physical Line Number DATAX 00D9 217 Current Character to Print FNADR 00DA-00DB 218-219 Pointer: Current File Name INSRT 00DC 220 Flag: Insert Mode, >0 = # INSTs ?ROPRTY 00DD 121 Cassette Temp FSBLK 00DE 222 Cassette Read / Write Block Count MYCH 00DF 223 Serial Word Buffer LDTB1 00E0-00F8 224-248 3+4.40: Screen Line Link Table / Editor Temps SCTOP 00E0 224 4.80: first line of window SCBOT 00E1 225 4.80: last line of window SCLF 00E2 226 4.80: first column of window XMAX 00E3 227 4.80: Size of Keyboard Buffer XMAX 03EB 1003 4.40 RPTFLG 00E4 228 4.80: Flag: REPEAT Key Used, $80 = Repeat $40 = disable RPTFLG 03EE 1006 4.40 KOUNT 00E5 651 4.80: Repeat Speed Counter KOUNT 03EA 1002 4.40 DELAY 00E6 230 4.80: Repeat Delay Counter DELAY 03E9 1001 4.40 00E7 231 4.80: Chime Time 03EC 1004 4.40: Chime Time 00E8 232 4.80: Home Count 00E9-00EA 233-234 4.80: input from screen vector (from E006) 00EB-00EC 235-236 4.80: print to screen vector (from E009) 00ED-00F7 237-247 4.80: not used 00F8 248 4.80: Counter to speed TI by 6/5 03ED 1005 4.40: Counter to speed TI by 6/5 CAS1 00F9 249 Tape Motor Interlock #1 CAS2 00FA 250 Tape Motor Interlock #2 STAL 00FB-00FC 251-252 I/O Start Address MEMUSS 00FD-00FE 253-254 Tape Load Temps 00FF 255 Not used 0100-01FF 256-511 Micro-Processor System Stack Area 0100-010A 256-266 Floating to String Work Area BAD 0100-013E 256-318 Tape Input Error Log BUF 0200-0250 512-592 System INPUT Buffer LAT 0251-025A 593-602 KERNAL Table: Active Logical File No's. FAT 025B-0264 603-612 KERNAL Table: Device No. for Each File SAT 0265-0270 613-623 KERNAL Table: Second Address Each File KEYD 0270-027A 624-633 Keyboard Buffer Queue (FIFO) TBUFFR 027A-0329 634-825 Tape I/O Buffer #1 027A Type of tape file: 1=program header for SAVE "",1,0 2=data block 3=absolute load SAVE "",1,1 (VIC-20 and later) 4=data file header 5=end of tape block: SAVE "",1,2 027B-027C Start address for load 027D-027E End address for load 027F-028E File name TBUFFR 033A-03F9 826-1017 Tape I/O Buffer #2 033A 4: DOS byte parameter in RECORD / char ptr 033B 4: DOS drive 1 number 033C 4: DOS drive 2 number 033D 4: DOS length / write flag 033E 4: DOS 8-bit syntax checking flag 033F-0340 4: DOS diskette ID 0341 4: Length of DOS command string 0342-0352 4: Buffer for filename 0353-0380 4: Full DOS command string buffer 03EE-037F 4.80: Table of 80 bits to set TABs DELAY 03E9 1001 4.40 KOUNT 03EA 1002 4.40 XMAX 03EB 1003 4.40 03EC 1004 4.40: Chime Time 03ED 1005 4.40: Counter to speed TI by 6/5 RPTFLG 03EE 1006 4.40 03F0-03F9 4.40: Table of 80 bits to set TABs 03FA-03FF 1018-1023 Unused TIMOUT 03FC 1020 4: Flag: Kernal Variable for IEEE Timeout 0400-8000 1024-32767 Basic program area 0400 0 byte at start of Basic program 0401-0402 first link to next Basic line 0403-0404 first line number 0405- tokenized basic line, terminated with 00 followed by next link 8000-83E7 32768-33767 40 column screen memory 8000-87EF 32768-34767 80 column screen memory A000-AFFF free space for 4K EPROM B000-BFFF 3: free space for 4K EPROM 4 3 B000-DFFF C000-DFFF Basic keywords and operators, and general processing E000-EFFF E000-EFFF Mostly screen editor functions F000-FFFF F000-FFFF Kernel: tape processing, IEEE-488, jump table. -Olaf. -- ___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert What's the use of \X/ racism if you can't even see if a person belongs to your abhorred kind? rom: (Olaf Seibert) Subject: PIA and VIA info (PET) Organization: University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands Date: Tue, 13 Dec 1994 11:13:11 GMT PIA 6520 and VIA 6522 --------------------- Summarised by Olaf Seibert, from "Programming the PET/CBM" (by Raeto Collin West) chapter 14 and The Transactor, Volume 4 Issue 05. In the PET, you find the two PIAs at E810 and E820, and the VIA at E840. The PIA ------- The PIA has two 8-bit I/O ports, A and B, which are mostly identical in function. All 8 bits can be set to input (1 in the DDR) or output (0 in the DDR) independently. Bit 2 in CRx determines whether the DDRx or Px are accessed. Each port has 2 control lines: CA1, CA2, CB1, CB2. The Cx1 are input only, the Cx2 can be input or output. PIAs have two interrupt lines: IRQA and IRQB. They may go low on a change on the inputs of the Cxy lines. These interrupts may be enabled on either an 1->0 or an 0->1 transition. The selected transition is called the "active" transition. The flags which register that an active transition has occurred are reset by reading the appropriate PORT register. Register map: E810 PORT A or DDR A: Data Direction Register A E811 CRA: Control Register A E812 PORT B or DDR B: Data Direction Register B E813 CRB: Control Register B Control registers: CRA: bit meaning --- ------- 7 CA1 active transition flag. 1= 0->1, 0= 1->0 6 CA2 active transition flag. 1= 0->1, 0= 1->0 5 CA2 direction 1 = out | 0 = in 4 CA2 control Handshake=0 | Manual=1 | Active: High=1 Low=0 3 CA2 control On Read=0 | CA2 High=1 | IRQ on=1, IRQ off=0 Pulse =1 | CA2 Low=0 | 2 Port A control: DDRA = 0, IORA = 1 1 CA1 control: Active High = 1, Low = 0 0 CA1 control: IRQ on=1, off = 0 CRB works identical for CB1 and CB2, except for the differences in handshaking. The Cx2 handshake is not identical between ports. For port A, the handshake is on reading the PORT A register, for CB2 the handshake is sent on writing the PORT B register. On the listening side: BIT 3 LOW with CA2: CA2 is now controlled by two events: (i) CA1 active transition sets it high ("Data Valid") (ii) a READ operation sets it low ("Data Accepted"). On the talking side: BIT 3 LOW with CB2: CB2 is now controlled by two events: (i) CB1 active transition sets it high ("Ready For Data") (ii) a WRITE operation sets it low ("Data Valid"). Bit 2 HIGH: Causes pulse output, CA2 or CB2 going low for one cycle only after a read or write operation. This pulse may be too short for some uses. For operation with a sending and a receiving PIA one would connect talker listener ------ -------- Port B -> Port A CB2 -> CA1 with active = 1->0 (data valid) CB1 <- CA2 with active = 1->0 (data accepted and ready for more) Use of PIA signals in a PET: PIA 1 E810 PORT A 7 Diagnostic sense (pin 5 on the user port) 6 IEEE EOI in 5 Cassette sense #2 4 Cassette sense #1 3-0 Keyboard row select (through 4->10 decoder) E811 CA2 output to blank the screen (old PETs only) IEEE EOI out CA1 cassette #1 read line E812 PORT B 7-0 Contents of keyboard row Usually all or all but one bits set. E813 CB2 output to cassette #1 motor: 1=on, 0=off CB1 screen retrace detection in PIA 2 E820 PORT A Input buffer for IEEE data lines E821 CA2 IEEE NDAC out CA1 IEEE ATN in E822 PORT B Output buffer for IEEE data lines E823 CB2 IEEE DAV out CB1 IEEE SRQ in The VIA ------- The VIA is a superset of the PIA. Many of the principles apply here as well, though the organisation is slightly different. The VIA has two ports, PA and PB, 4 control lines C[AB][12], an 8-bit shift register SR and 2 timers TA and TB. Like the PIA, the Cx1 lines are input only, the Cx2 lines are I or O. Port A has two registers. One register causes handshaking with CA1 to happen, the other doesn't. Port B occurs in memory before port A. There are control registers CRA, CRB, ACR, PCR, and interrupt registers IFR and IER. The data direction registers DDRA and DDRB have their own addresses, unlike the PIA. I'll only describe the extra or different features. Timers. The VIA has two 16-bit timers T1 and T2. When written to the timers start counting down on each clock cycle, and when reaching 0000 will flag and may cause an interrupt or other special action. When the low byte of the timer is read, the interrupt flag is cleared. When writing to the high byte clears the flag and starts the timer counting. T1 has a latch register. This is a place to store the timer value before it will be used. When T1 reaches 0, the latch value is moved into the timer so that the countdown may begin all over again, if so enabled. Ports. PA and PB may be latched, so that on an active transition of CA1 the value in the PA register is retained indefinitely (or until the next active transition on that pin), and similarly with CB1 and PB. The shift register. This 8-bit register is connected to CB2. On command the SR performs 8 shifts, moving 8 bits to or from CB2 one at a time. The most significant bit is moved first (the register shifts left). The SR can be timed by T2 and at the same rate as the 6202, using the phase 2 clock phi2. Alternatively an external clock may time it. It seems there are bugs in the shift register. For instance, when doing tape I/O, the CB2 sound, which uses the SR, must be turned off. The ACR controls the timers, shift register and latch status of PA and PB. (T1 has effects on pin PB7, which are not described in the book, but I suspect they are similar to the features of the CIA in this respect. -Olaf) ACR E84B 7-6 Timer 1 control 0 = PB7 unused 0 0 = one shot 0 1 = continuous, i.e. on underflow timer restarts at latch value. (The following 3 lines are guessed, based on the Amiga's CIA description) 1 = PB7 used 1 0 = T1 underflow toggles PB7 1 1 = T1 underflow pulses PB7 5 Timer 2 control 0 = one shot 1 = count set no. of PB6 pulses 4-2 Shift register control 000 = shift reg disabled 001 = shift in by timer 2 010 = shift in by phi2 011 = shift in by external clock (PB6?) 100 = free run by timer 2 (setting for sound) this means keep shifting the same byte out over and over. T2 is hereby set to continuous mode. 101 = shift out by timer 2 110 = shift out by phi2 111 = shift out by external clock (PB6?) 1 Port B latch 0 = disabled 1 = enabled on CB1 transition (in/out) 0 Port A latch 0 = disabled 1 = enabled on CA1 transition (in) The Periheral Control Register PCR controls the operating modes of the control lines CA1-CB2. PCR E84C 7-5 CB2 control 7 direction 1 = output 1 0 = do handshake 1 0 0 = on write 1 0 1 = pulse? 1 1 = manual CB2 control 1 1 0 = CB1 low 1 1 1 = CB1 high 0 = input 0 0 x = Active high: 0->1 0 1 x = Active low: 1->0 0 x 0 = Clear IFR/ORB (don't ask me what this means -Olaf) 0 x 1 = Clear IFR 4 CB1 control 0 = active transition High 1 = active transition Low 3-1 CA2 control (similar to CB2 control) 3 direction 1 = output 1 0 = do handshake 1 0 0 = on read 1 0 1 = pulse 1 1 = manual CA2 control 1 1 0 = CA1 low 1 1 1 = CA1 high 0 = input 0 0 x = Active high: 0->1 0 1 x = Active low: 1->0 0 x 0 = Clear IFR/ORB (don't ask me what this means -Olaf) 0 x 1 = Clear IFR The handshaking is not specifically described in the book, so I presume it is identical to that of the PIA. Interrupt Flag Register IFR and Interrupt Enable Register IER. These registers are symmetrical wrt each other. The IER enables specific interrupts (i.e., allows an event to trigger an interrupt), and the IFR flags if the event took place. When writing to the IER bit 7 controls the meaning of the 1 bits in the data: when set each 1-bit sets the interrupt enable bit, when cleared it resets that interrupt enable bit. IFR E84D IER E84E 7 IFR: master flag bit: 1 when any of the other bits are set IER: 0 disables, 1 enables interrupts 6 Timer 1 underflow 5 Timer 2 underflow 4 CB1 active transition 3 CB2 active transition 2 Shift register full/empty 1 CA1 active transition 0 CA2 active transition Use of VIA signals in a PET --------------------------- E840 PORT B 7 DAV in 6 NRFD in 5 Video retrace in 4 Tape #2 motor (note 2) 3 Tape data out 2 ATN out 1 NRFD out 0 NDAC out E841 PORT A USER PORT with CA2 handshake (note 1) E842 DDRB 7-0 normal bits set to 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 E843 DDRA 7-0 USER PORT data direction register E844 Timer 1 LO E845 Timer 1 HI (set to $FF on system power-on) E846 Timer 1 latch LO E847 Timer 1 latch HI E848 Timer 2 LO E849 Timer 2 HI E84A Shift register E84B ACR Aux. control register; set to $00 at power on 7-6 timer 1 control 5 timer 2 control 4-2 shift register control 1 port B latch 0 port A latch E84C PCR Peripheral Control Register; set to $0C or $0E at power on 7-5 CB2 control (user port pin M) (note 3) 4 CB1 control (note 3) 3-1 CA2 control (graphics mode) (note 3) 0 CA1 control (note 3) E84D IFR Intertrupt Flag Register; set to $00 at power on 7 IRQ on/off 6 T1 interrupt flagged 5 T2 interrupt flagged 4 CB1 interrupt flagged 3 CB2 interrupt flagged 2 shift register interrupt flagged 1 CA1 interrupt flagged 0 CA2 interrupt flagged E84E IER Interrupt Enable Register; set to $80 at power on 7 1=enable, 0=disable 6-0 enable interrupts; same bits as in IFR. E84F PORTA USER PORT without CA2 handshake Note 1: E84F is the preferred user port register, since CA2 controls screen graphics. Note 2: The motor is on when this line is low, and off when it is high. Note 3: CA1 is connected to pin B of the user port. Pins B-L correspond to port A, which is invaiably E84E. CB2 (connected to the shift register) also connects to pin M of the user port; square wave tones (see chapter 9 of "Programming the PET/CBM") use these facts. CB1 signals input from cassette #2. CA2 controls screen graphics: it is configured for output, and, when low, gives lower case characters and others. When high, the mode is upper case and graphics. IEEE Port Pinouts ----------------- This info taken from Transactor Volume 4, Issue 05. rear view for IEEE and User port: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- =================================================== --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- A B C D E F H J K L M N The User port is the second port from the left, the IEEE-488 port is the third port. PET IEEE Pin# Pin# Mnemonic Definition ----------------------------------- 1 1 DIO1 Data Input/Output Line #1 2 2 DIO2 Data Input/Output Line #2 3 3 DIO3 Data Input/Output Line #3 4 4 DIO4 Data Input/Output Line #4 5 5 EOI End Or Identify (PIA1 PA6 in, PIA1 CA2 out) 6 6 DAV Data Valid 7 7 NRFD Not Ready For Data 8 8 NDAC Not Data Accepted 9 9 IFC Interface Clear 10 10 SRQ Service Request (PIA2 CB1) 11 11 ATN Attention (VIA PB2 out, PIA2 CB1) 12 12 GND Chassis Ground (IEEE cable shield) A 13 DIO5 Data Input/Output Line #5 B 14 DIO6 Data Input/Output Line #6 C 15 DIO7 Data Input/Output Line #7 D 16 DIO8 Data Input/Output Line #8 E 17 REN Remote Enable F 18 GND DAV Ground H 19 GND NRFD Ground J 20 GND NDAC Ground K 21 GND IFC Ground L 22 GND SRQ Ground M 23 GND ATN Ground N 24 GND Data Ground (DIO1-8) Pin# Function Description ------------------------- 1 Ground System Ground 2 TV Video Video Out for external displays 3 SRQ Connected to IEEE-488 SRQ (PIA2 CB1) 4 EOI Connected to IEEE-488 EOI (PIA1 PA6 in, PIA1 CA2 out) 5 Diagnostic Sense (PIA1 PA7) Held low causes power up to diagnostic routines or monitor 6 Read 1 Connected to cassette #1 read line (PIA1 CA1) 7 Read 2 Connected to cassette #2 read line (VIA CB1) 8 Write Diagnostic tape write verify 9 Vert TV Vertical for external displays 10 Horiz TV Horizontal for external displays 11 GND 12 GND A GND B CA1 Edge sensitive input for 6522 VIA C PB0 PB0-7 are independently programmable D PB1 for Input or Output E PB2 F PB3 H PB4 J PB5 K PB6 L PB7 M CB2 Special IO pin of VIA, connected to shift register N GND Digital ground Cassette port ------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 --- --- --- --- --- --- ========================== --- --- --- --- --- --- A B C D E F Pin# Name Description ---------------------- A-1 GND Digital Ground B-2 +5V +5 Volts to operate cassette circuitry only C-3 Motor Computer controlled +6V for cassette motor D-4 Read Read line from cassette E-5 Write Write line to cassette F-6 Sense Monitors closure of any locking type cassette switch -Olaf. -- ___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert Ooey-Gooey-Fluffy-Barfie \X/ I'm not weird, I'm differently perceived. D787B44DFC896063 4CBB95A5BD1DAA96 ; Commodore PET 8032 ROM Memory Map ; V1.2 19 DEC 1994 ; ; Data types in headers (for reassembler): ; ; DATA Misc data ; TEXT String terminated with 00 ; WORD Vectors in LO/HI byte pairs ; CHIP I/O Area ; EMPTY ROM containing FF's or AA's ; ; ; BASIC 4.0 interpreter ROM ($B000 - $CFFF) ; b000 stmdsp BASIC Command Vectors WORD b066 fundsp BASIC Function Vectors WORD b094 optab BASIC Operator Vectors DATA ; Each Operator Vector is preceded by a priority code. b0b2 reslst BASIC Command Keyword Table DATA b13d msclst BASIC Misc. Keyword Table DATA b154 oplist BASIC Operator Keyword Table DATA b161 funlst BASIC Function Keyword Table DATA b1b1 - Additional Action Keywords DATA b20d errtab Error Message Table DATA b306 okk Misc. Messages DATA b322 fndfor Find FOR/GOSUB Entry on Stack b350 bltu Open Space in Memory b393 getstk Check Stack Depth b3a0 reason Check Memory Overlap b3cd omerr Output ?OUT OF MEMORY Error b3cf error Error Routine b3f4 errfin Break Entry b3ff ready Restart BASIC b406 main Input & Identify BASIC Line b41f main1 Get Line Number & Tokenise Text b425 inslin Insert BASIC Text b4b6 linkprg Rechain Lines b4e2 inlin Input Line Into Buffer b4fb crunch Tokenise Input Buffer b5a3 fndlin Search for Line Number b5d2 scrtch Perform [new] b5ee clear Perform [clr] b622 stxpt Reset TXTPTR b630 list Perform [list] b6ab qplop Handle LIST Character b6de for Perform [for] b74a newstt BASIC Warm Start b75f ckeol Check End of Program b77c gone Prepare to execute statement b785 gone3 Perform BASIC Keyword b7a7 - Perform [go] b7b7 restor Perform [restore] b7c6 stop Perform [stop], [end], break b7ee cont Perform [cont] b808 run Perform [run] b813 gosub Perform [gosub] b830 goto Perform [goto] b85d return Perform [return] b883 data Perform [data] b891 datan Search for Next Statement / Line b8b3 if Perform [if] b8c6 rem Perform [rem] b8d6 ongoto Perform [on] b8f6 linget Fetch linnum From BASIC b930 let Perform [let] b94f putint Assign Integer b961 ptflpt Assign Floating Point b964 putstr Assign String b96e puttim Assign TI$ b9ab -get character string b9ba getspt Add Digit to FAC#1 ba4e ? ba88 printn Perform [print#] ba8e cmd Perform [cmd] baa2 strdon Print String From Memory baa8 print Perform [print] bac0 varop Output Variable bad2 - Add zero terminator to string badf crdo Output CR/LF baf0 comprt Handle comma, TAB(, SPC( bb1d strout Output String bb3a outspc Output Format Character bb41 -Print '' bb44 -Print '?' bb46 - Output Character in A bb4c doagin Handle Bad Data bb7a get Perform [get] bba4 inputn Perform [input#] bbbe input Perform [input] bbe8 bufful Read Input Buffer ; Bufful scans for a null input and calls DATA to skip to the next statement ; On old PETs, END was called, thereby crashing the program. bbf5 qinlin Do Input Prompt bc02 read Perform [read] bc31 rdget General Purpose Read Routine bcf6 exint Input Error Messages DATA bd19 next Perform [next] bd5b donext Check Valid Loop bd84 frmnum Confirm Result bd98 frmevl Evaluate Expression in Text be81 eval Evaluate Single Term bea0 pival Constant - PI DATA bea5 qdot Continue Expression becc - Evaluate bee9 parchk Expression in Brackets beef chkcls Confirm Character beef -Test ')'- bef2 -Test '('- bef5 -Test comma- bef7 -Confirm Character in A bf00 synerr Output ?SYNTAX Error bf05 domin Set up NOT Function bf0c Patch for getspt bf21 ? bf2e Patch for [input] bf41 Unused EMPTY bf8c isvar Search for Variable bfad tisasc Convert TI to ASCII String c003 -read real time clock c047 isfun Identify Function Type c051 strfun Evaluate String Function c071 numfun Evaluate Numeric Function c086 orop Evaluate c089 - Evaluate c0b6 dorel Evaluate (comparison) c0bb numrel Numeric Comparison c0ce strrel String Comparison c11e dim Perform [dim] c12b ptrget Identify Variable c187 ordvar Locate Ordinary Variable c1b6 isletc Does A hold an alphabetic character? c1c0 notfns Create New Variable c1cb notevl Create Variable c2c8 aryget Allocate Array Pointer Space c2d9 n32768 Constant 32768 in Flpt DATA c2dd intidx Evaluate Text for Integer c2ea ayint FAC#1 to Positive Integer c2fc isary Get Array Parameters c343 fndary Find Array c370 bserr ?BAD SUBSCRIPT c373 - ?ILLEGAL QUANTITY c378 - ?REDIM'D ARRAY c38c notfdd Create Array c439 inlpn2 Locate Element in Array c477 umult Number of Bytes in Subscript c4a8 fre Evaluate c4bc givayf Convert Integer in (AC/YR) to Flpt c4c9 pos Evaluate c4cf errdir Confirm Program Mode c4d7 - ?UNDEF'D FUNCTION c4dc - Perform [def] c50a getfnm Check Syntax of FN c51d fndoer Perform [fn] c58e strd Evaluate c598 strlit Set Up String c5fe putnw1 Save String Descriptor c61d getspa Allocate Space for String garbag Garbage Collection dvars Search for Next String grbpas Collect a String c74f cat Concatenate Two Strings c78c movins Store String in High RAM c7b5 frestr Perform String Housekeeping c811 frefac Clean Descriptor Stack c822 chrd Evaluate c836 leftd Evaluate c862 rightd Evaluate c86d midd Evaluate c897 pream Pull String Parameters c8b2 len Evaluate c8b8 len1 Exit String Mode c8c1 asc Evaluate c8d1 gtbytc Evaluate Text to 1 Byte in XR c8d4 -Eval Byte Parameter c8e3 val Evaluate c8eb strval Convert ASCII String to Flpt c921 getnum Get parameters for POKE/WAIT c92d getadr Convert FAC#1 to Integer in LINNUM c943 peek Evaluate c95a poke Perform [poke] c963 wait Perform [wait] c97f faddh Add 0.5 to FAC#1 c986 fsub Perform Subtraction c989 - Evaluate c998 fadd5 Normalise Addition c99d fadd Perform Addition c9a0 - Evaluate ca7d negfac 2's Complement FAC#1 cab4 overr Output ?OVERFLOW Error cab9 mulshf Multiply by Zero Byte caf2 fone Table of Flpt Constants DATA ;caf2 1.00 ;caf7 #03 (counter) ;caf8 0.434255942 ;cafd 0.57658454 ;cb02 0.961800759 ;cb07 2.885390073 ;cb0c 0.707106781 SQR(0.5) ;cb11 1.41421356 SRQ(2) ;cb16 -0.5 ;cb1b 0.693147181 LOG(2) ; cb20 log Evaluate cb5e fmult Perform Multiply cb61 - Evaluate cb8f mulply Multiply by a Byte cbc2 conupk Load FAC#2 From Memory cbed muldiv Test Both Accumulators cc0a mldvex Overflow / Underflow cc18 mul10 Multiply FAC#1 by 10 cc2f tenc Constant 10 in Flpt DATA cc34 div10 Divide FAC#1 by 10 cc3d fdiv Divide FAC#2 by Flpt at (AC/YR) cc45 fdivt Divide FAC#2 by FAC#1 cc48 - Evaluate ccd8 movfm Load FAC#1 From Memory ccfd mov2f Store FAC#1 in Memory cd0a - Store FAC#1 at (AC/YR) cd32 movfa Copy FAC#2 into FAC#1 cd42 movaf Copy FAC#1 into FAC#2 cd51 round Round FAC#1 cd61 sign Check Sign of FAC#1 cd6f sgn Evaluate cd8e abs Evaluate cd91 fcomp Compare FAC#1 With Memory cdd1 qint Convert FAC#1 to Integer ce02 int Evaluate ce29 fin Convert ASCII String to a Number in FAC#1 cee9 n0999 String Conversion Constants DATA cef8 Unused EMPTY cf78 inprt Output 'IN' and Line Number cf93 fout Convert FAC#1 to ASCII String d01e foutim Convert TI to String d0c7 fhalf Table of Constants DATA d108 sqr Evaluate d112 fpwrt Evaluate d14b negop Negate FAC#1 d14b - Evaluate d156 logeb2 Table of Constants DATA ;d156 1.44269504 (1/LOG to base 2 e) ;d15b #07 (counter) ;d15c 2.149875 E-5 ;d161 1.435231 E-4 ;d166 1.342263 E-3 ;d16b 9.6414017 E-3 ;d170 5.550513 E-2 ;d175 2.402263 E-4 ;d17a 6.931471 E-1 ;d17f 1.00 ; d184 exp Evaluate d1d7 polyx Series Evaluation d221 rmulc Constants for RND DATA d229 rnd Evaluate d282 cos Evaluate d289 sin Evaluate d2d2 tan Evaluate d2fe pi2 Table of Trig Constants DATA ;d2fe 1.570796327 pi/2 ;d303 6.28318531 pi*2 ;d308 0.25 ; ;d30d #05 (counter) ;d30e -14.3813907 ;d313 42.0077971 ;d318 -76.7041703 ;d31d 81.6052237 ;d322 -41.3417021 ;d327 6.28318531 ; d32c atn Evaluate d35c atncon Table of ATN Constants DATA ;d35c #0b (counter) ;d35d -0.000684793912 ;d362 0.00485094216 ;d367 -0.161117018 ;d36c 0.034209638 ;d371 -0.0542791328 ;d376 0.0724571965 ;d37b -0.0898023954 ;d380 0.110932413 ;d385 -0.142839808 ;d38a 0.19999912 ;d38f -0.333333316 ;d394 1.00 ; d399 initat CHRGET For Zero-page d3b1 rndsed RND Seed For zero-page DATA ;d3b1 0.811635157 d3b6 init BASIC Cold Start initcz Initialize BASIC RAM d417 initms Output Power-Up Message initv Initialize Vectors d44b words Power-Up Message DATA d472 ? ; ; Machine Language Monitor ; d4ba *Get Command d531 Print Space d534 New Line d539 Increment Pointer d544 Commands DATA d54c Command Vectors DATA d55c ' pc irq sr ac xr yr sp' DATA d579 ? d587 Perform [r] d5bc Perform [m] d5fb Perform [;] d61d Perform [:] d633 Perform [g] d66b Perform [x] d675 Perform [l/s] d722 Output 2-digit Byte d731 Output 2 Ascii Chars d73a Byte to 2 Ascii d744 Swap Add_ with Add_ d7a4 Print '?' d7af Perform [record] d873 Perform [catalog/directory] d942 Perform [dopen] d977 Perform [append] d9d2 Perform [header] da07 Perform [dclose] da65 Perform [collect] da7e Perform [backup] daa7 Perform [copy] dac7 Perform [concat] db0d Perform [dsave] db3a Perform [dload] db55 Perform [rename] db66 Perform [scratch] de9e ? DATA dea4 ? DATA dec2 Unused EMPTY ; ; Editor (E000) ; e202 Output to Screen e3b6 Output e442 Main IRQ Entry Point e600 Exit Interrupt e788 Unused EMPTY ; ; Kernel (F000-FFFF) ; Tape processing, IEEE-488, jump table ; f185 Output Kernal Error Message f2a6 clrchn Restore Default I/O f266 chrout Output One Character f2dd closet Perform [close] f401 verfyt Perform [load] f4f6 verfyt Perform [verify] f560 opent Perform [open] f6c3 syst Perform [sys] f6dd savet Perform [save] f7af chkin Set Input Device f7fe chkout Set Output Device fd16 - Power-Up RESET Entry fd49 - NMI Transfer Entry fd4c - Kernal Reset Vectors WORD fd5d - Unused EMPTY ; ; PET 8032 Jump Table ; ff93 Perform [concat] ff96 Perform [dopen] ff99 Perform [dclose] ff9c Perform [record] ff9f Perform [header] ffa2 Perform [collect] ffa5 Perform [backup] ffa8 Perform [copy] ffab Perform [append] ffae Perform [dsave] ffb1 Perform [dload] ffb4 Perform [catalog/directory] ffb7 Perform [rename] ffba Perform [scratch] ffc0 Perform [open] ffc3 Perform [close] ffc6 chkin Set Input ffc9 chkout Set Output ffcc clrch Restore I/O Vector ;ffcf chrin Input Vector, chrin ffd2 chrout Output Vector, chrout ffd5 Perform [load] ffd8 Perform [save] ffdb Perform [verify] ffde sys Perform [sys] ffe4 jmp getin Get From Keyboad ;fff6 Vectors fff6 [AAAA] - WORD fff8 [AAAA] - WORD ;fffa Transfer Vectors fffa [fd49] NMI WORD fffc [fd16] RESET WORD fffe [e442] IRQ WORD